Global labor-law (각국 노동법)/중국 노동법 (China labor law)

중국노동법 (노동중재, 노동쟁의 등)

함께 성공합시다. 2020. 2. 11. 14:03

the statute of limitations in labor proceedings

(1) General prescription of labor arbitration

The time limit of labor arbitration is generally one year, and the worker is calculated from a date when he or she knows his or her rights have been violated or rightly considered to be. In the case of a general labor dispute, rights relief shall not be granted if labor arbitration is not applied within one year after the occurrence of a rights violation. In addition, a worker shall not receive a right relief from the statute of limitations unless he or she raises a labor arbitration within one year of retirement.

Labor claims twice as much, but lost due to the statute of limitations
Sohn joined the company as a truck driver from 2010 年1 and 1 day, and paid 5,000 won per month, but he continued to fail to sign a written labor contract. However, the relationship with the boss deteriorated to 2015 해제1111, and the company was relieved of its labor relations with the company for economic compensation Two months after his retirement, Sohn applied for labor arbitration from 2015 年3月1 and asked the company to pay 300,000元 (5,000x 12 months x 5 years) in double the wage difference from the failure to pass a written contract for five years.
The Labor Arbitration Commission rejected the workers' request, saying the labor arbitration limit was more than one year. In the case of double pay, the right to claim is extinguished if the worker does not claim quickly because the name is similar to labor compensation, but is actually a penalty (a penalty), because the statute of limitations is strictly subject to "one year" as in the case of general labor arbitration.

(2) Special prescription of labor arbitration;

Related to labor conservatism, or wages, is difficult to file a lawsuit until workers retire because of worries about losing their jobs. Thus, the Labor Dispute Arbitration Act stipulated that "labor conservatism" should not be subject to one year’s "timely" restriction, with an exception.
In other words, labor disputes arising from the overdue payment of labor remuneration (wages, overtime expenses, etc.) during the duration of the labor relationship (retirement) shall not be restricted to one year of labor arbitration, and may be filed retrospectively for issues of more than one year in the past. However, from the end of the labor relationship (retirement, dismissal, etc.) the application for arbitration shall be made within one year for labor arbitration, and the application for arbitration may be made for infringement of labor remuneration-related rights for all periods in office.
Theoretically, the company’s burden of proof is limited to two years, and workers themselves should present relevant evidence for retrospective claims exceeding two years, since unrestricted historical claims can be made for labor, but the obligation to store the records of wages is actually set at two years.
The most commonly raised overtime costs belong to "labor conservatism," so the period prior to the tenure of the office is subject to a labor arbitration claims. For a meticulous worker, unlimited retroactive claims can be made if all the evidence is carefully taken up to two years ago. However, in reality, such cases are very rare, so in general, if the company’s overtime payment is found to be true, the judgment on retroactive payment is made only for the two years under which the burden of proof is imposed.

[Management Arbitration Act for Labor Disputes]
Article27 The time limit of applying for a labor dispute is one year. The time limit for arbitration shall be calculated from the date on which the party is aware or rightly aware that the right has been infringed.  Regulations for General Time Effect
In the event of a dispute arising from a delay in payment of labor remuneration during the duration of the labor relationship, the application of arbitration by the worker shall not be limited to the effective period ("one year") of the arbitration prescribed in paragraph 1 of this Article.
However, if the labor relationship is terminated, the application shall be made within one year of the end of the labor relationship.
 Regulations for Special Time Effect


5. Response to a labor dispute

(1) Appropriate countermeasures in the event of a labor dispute

1 Pursue the settlement of labor disputes (x)
In this case, the solution was smooth.The coast may be very high, depending on the number of positions.
Also, you cannot accumulate direct experience of labor litigation, resulting in a vicious cycle of continuing to rely on the city.
2 Promote a private negotiation solution with workers (x)
This gives workers the impression that the company is on edge, so it is likely to increase the level of demand and complicate the agenda. Prior to the revision of the Labor Arbitration Act, private negotiations by the management should never be pursued.
3 Finding a professional labor lawyer and preparing for litigation (o)
In case of a competent lawyer, even if the company is disadvantageous in the case of a labor lawsuit, it can be adjusted to the proper extent by communicating with the arbitration committee or the judge.

(2) Handling of labor arbitration

1 Analyze whether a worker's request for arbitration is reasonable
The management first analyzes whether the workers' arbitration claims are reasonable and legal, and analyzes and summarizes reasonable and unreasonable demands among the contents raised.
2 Progress of investigation on facts and grounds stated by workers
The facts and grounds of the workers' statements in the application for labor arbitration shall be investigated and the facts shall be confirmed.
Identify what is and is not true.
3 Aggressive collection of evidence
Collect and organize evidence to be submitted for refutation on matters where the worker's statement does not conform with the facts.
4 Pre-analysis and prediction on the direction of the dispute plan
An analysis of labor arbitration claims by workers and related evidence collected
On the basis of that, the primary judgment is on the outcome of the agenda.
5 Preparing a solution
A solution is prepared after pre-analysis and prediction is made. Present a "coordination" plan with the worker and review whether adjustment should be made or terminated by a ruling. If you're working with a worker
If "reconciliation" is required, the company shall prepare the minimum negotiating conditions to be presented during "adjustment".
Some of the malicious issues are lack of evidence, and the company may not agree to the adjustment even if it is at a disadvantage, and may choose a time-consuming and cost-effective way of putting pressure on the opponent while continuing with the first and second trials in consideration of their impact on other employees.

(3) Precautions during the handling of labor disputes

1 Avoid escalation
In the event of a labor dispute, a fundamental problem exists in the company, and it is used as an employee.
If there is a possibility of expansion, it can be negotiated in an unexpected direction.
It is good to prevent the situation from escalating.
A worker demanded 2,000 billion won in compensation for failing to pay social insurance when he moved, but the company refused. The employee then filed a complaint with the labor watchdog and had to pay hundreds of thousands of yuan in fines as inspection results revealed many illegal labor practices.
2 Importance of Labor Arbitration
In the absence of attendance at the Labor Arbitration, the company shall be deemed to have given up the right to answer and refute, and arbitration is highly likely to make adverse decisions to the company based on the evidence submitted by the worker. Therefore, rather than let it go and give up, the company should actively respond to lawsuits, minimize losses, and try to shift to its advantage.
3 Do not give up prematurely even on a high possibility of losing.
Admitting the opponent's evidence under any circumstances. It is important to note that the defeat should not be rashly acknowledged, and that even if there is virtually an illegal part of the company’s action, his claim, unless there is sufficient evidence, is equally unlikely to win the support of the arbitration committee or the court.
