
(1) Should an economic reward be paid for resigning based on my opinion?

There is no legal obligation to pay economic compensation when voluntary retirement is due to the workers themselves. However, a written resignation signed by the company must be accepted in preparation for the possibility that the company may ask for economic compensation, saying that it later retired at the request of the company. If an employee submits a letter of resignation to disentangle the working relationship, it shall be stated in the resignation letter that he or she will transfer to the "individual cause".

Economic compensation for careless receipt of resignation
In his transfer, Chang only submitted to employees who did not list the cause of the transfer and resigned.
After that, Chang said, the company did not pay social insurance, so he had to resign from his position as a passive employee due to the company's misconduct.
Claiming to have done so, it raised labor arbitration to demand the payment of economic compensation.
It is true that the company did not pay social insurance, but the cause of Chang's retirement was society.
He had nothing to do with insurance, but later raised labor arbitration on the pretext of doing so.
If employees do not specify employees when submitting their resignations, use them after retirement
It needs to be noted that compensation can be demanded.

(2) Is there any legal risk when you retire and ask for a retirement certificate as "corporate retirement"?

In China, unemployment insurance is available after retirement, but voluntary resignation is not the case. Tooth
As a result, it is often requested to check the ‘Company’ item on the management’s retirement certificate. If you issue such documents, the employees will be able to receive several months' worth of unemployment insurance, but if they change their minds later on, they did not receive any financial compensation even though they retired on the grounds of the company. Or, they will take the risk of facing labor lawsuits for economic compensation or economic compensation for being forcibly dismissed. In this case, the company's loss rate is 100%, so you should never comply with this.

(3) After resigning from his own position, saying that the company did not provide social insurance, he applied for labor arbitration, which he claimed was due to the company's reasons. Is the company obligated to pay?

The Labor Contract Act imposes an obligation for the payment of economic compensation money on a company for the cause provided by the management if the worker resigns due to the management's misconduct. Workers who want to move to another company anyway can raise labor arbitration to demand economic compensation.
However, in this case, the worker must notify the management by specifying the reason for his resignation in the written resignation and prove the management's corresponding misconduct in the labor arbitration. If a worker issues a letter of resignation stating the cause of personal affairs and subsequently files a labor lawsuit for misconduct, it is unlikely that the employee will be recognized in court because he has already established another cause-based resignation at the time of his resignation, as the worker has refused to notify the management at the time of his resignation.
In general, the most frequent occurrence of a company is the case of a labor lawsuit filed with the company on the grounds that it was submitted to the company by stating the reason for non-subscription of social insurance upon retirement. In this case, even if the employee resigns voluntarily, the worker is entitled to economic compensation (but only from January 2008 because of the newly created provision). Since workers can take advantage of this method at any time when they do not have social insurance, the company should not comply with the request even if the worker does not apply for social insurance upon entering the company. In the event of a decision not to pay social insurance less than this, it is necessary to have a written confirmation that it is voluntary by the workers.

(4) There is a person with a high salary of more than 20,000 yuan in the staff. Should we calculate the full amount of compensation? Is there a cap in the law?
As a socialist country of China, therefore, to prevent excessive disparity in the amount of economic compensation between high and low wage earners, the upper limit of the monthly wage is limited to three times the average wage of the previous year of the city, and the ceiling of the total number of years of benefits, to 12 months. For example, if the average monthly wage for a worker in the previous year is 4,000元, the maximum economic compensation that a wage earner can receive is 12,000元 x 12 months.
In the case of Korean employees hired there, special attention is needed. For example, if you are a Korean earning 20,000 won a month, and if your average social wage here is 4,000 won, then 12,000 won will be the basis for calculating the economic compensation, and you are mistaken for the Korean method of severance pay, a dispute could arise.
Therefore, in the event of a local employment contract, it is advisable to make this clear to the party from the beginning. In addition, if some are received in Korea, for example, it would be a way to avoid unnecessary friction at the time of retirement if some are received from Korea, for which Chinese recipients are counted according to China’s economic compensation scheme, and for which Korean recipients are counted according to the Korean-style severance pay system.

(5) Should the economic compensation be given 20,000元 legally, but can a lawsuit be filed later to reverse it and ask for a difference in consultation with employees?

The employee's wage remuneration and economic compensation are completed in the agreement, and how about between the two parties?
Where the phrase "no dispute exists" is specified, it is legally considered to have disposed of its own rights.
The Supreme People's Court's judicial interpretation (3) issued in September 2010 clearly stated that the agreement between labor and management has legal effect. After the conclusion of the agreement, if the worker subsequently asks for cancellation, the worker shall "verify" that there is a grave misunderstanding or a situation that is remarkably lacking in fairness in the agreement.
In the case of" day-to-day" compensation generally, if the user’s compensation falls far short of the fantasy insurance standard, the agreement itself is often nullified when the worker files a lawsuit. However, agreements on general matters, not fantasy, are legally valid unless workers present "proven" evidence that users inadvertently entered into an unfair agreement through threats or coercion.

(6) What do you need to pay attention to when the worker commits a breach of discipline, but wants to pay only a small amount of economic compensation for lack of evidence and end the employment in the form of "negotiation"?

In the case of the cancellation of negotiations, the company shall pay the legal economic compensation (based on the total service training), as shown in the above example, but in the case of negligence of the workers, the legal risk can be minimized if the company makes a payment in the manner of compensation for consideration after stipulating in the agreement that the company raised the cancellation of negotiations.

[Example] Let's draw up a consultation paper for the cancellation of negotiations
S is an employee of a foreign-invested company, and one day he committed a breach of discipline and his boss was furious and could no longer work with him, and asked the Ministry of Personnel Management to dismiss him. The Ministry of Personnel Management confirmed that S's violation of discipline was not enough to punish and dispose of it, and offered to cancel the negotiations after much consideration. Originally, it was supposed to give 16,000 won in compensation, but it persuaded S that it could not give all of the compensation because it was wrong, and eventually signed a consultation on the dissolution of the merger. The terms of the agreement "are to terminate the contract on a consultation basis, and the entity also pays half the compensation to S."
The contents of the agreement were written against the enterprise. Because of the use of the ambiguous wording of a two-way agreement, if S subsequently requests an additional shortfall, the entity is highly likely to lose. A written agreement must be drawn up with the following raise of the lifting of the negotiations by the workers, so that they can escape from these legal risks. "As S raises the termination of labor contracts, it has reached post-negotiation consultations with the entity, and the entity pays S a small amount of compensation." Because this would result in a situation in which management does not have to give economic compensation, a small amount of compensation would be paid out of consideration by the entity.

(7) At the time of the economic compensation payment, how can we prevent the company from raising labor arbitration in the future?

After receiving full economic compensation from users, it is often the case that the company is harassed by applying for labor arbitration with other issues (such as overtime costs, unused annual leave, etc.).

For small and medium-sized enterprises, it is difficult for the company to fully legalize labor management, so when paying the remaining wages and economic compensation upon retirement, the use of the written form provided below may be used to prevent future labor lawsuits from being filed, provided that "labor compensation has already been settled and no labor disputes exist between the two parties" may be included (non-compunishment).


[Confirmation] Simple transfer certificate
I am relieved of my labor relations with the company because of the cause of the (negotiation) cancellation. of one's own accord
Check the details below. .
1. The two sides will terminate the labor relations by a negotiation match, and the employee labor contract will be terminated after signing this confirmation.
2. After verifying the employees, the company shall pay the employees the economic compensation_____Wien.
3. The labor conservancy etc. has already been settled, and no other dispute exists between the two parties.
2, 经员工确认, 元。

(8) I would like to reconsider a person who has resigned as a volunteer from the company in the past. In this case, is the past service year included in the calculation of economic compensation?

Employees who have worked for the company in the past and who have been sent out without payment of economic compensation should not be re-employed. The Labor Contracts Act stipulated that economic compensation is calculated as the number of years of service for the companies concerned. In other words, it is important to note that it is not a "continuous" service life but a "accumulated" service life. Even if the labor relationship is suspended, the service life is calculated in sum (excluding the period for which economic compensation was paid upon retirement in the past). Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the recruiter has served in his or her company in the past.

(9) When calculating economic compensation, whether or not the period during which the work stoppage was to be completed;

The average monthly wage standard, which is the basis of economic compensation, is determined based on the 12-month period excluding the period of suspension of operations, i.e. non-normal production conditions. In other words, the period of suspension of operations is not included in the first 12 months of the economic compensation calculation period.

[Regulations on Economic Compensation in the event of labor contract violation and termination (劳部发[1994]481)]
Article11 The wage calculation standard for economic compensation in this Regulation refers to the monthly average wage of 12 months before the termination of a worker's contract under the normal circumstances of production of the enterprise.

(10) How should we interpret the "misunderstanding" and "abnormal" of the legal literature on the calculation of economic compensation?

An accurate understanding of the entry and exit of economic compensation money at the time of calculation is needed. "abnormal" "below" "within" includes the principal and "less than" and "other" does not include the principal. Therefore, if the service life is exactly six months, it is not less than six months, so it is calculated that the service life is equivalent to six months and one month.


2. Implementing labor contract laws and changing payment standards

Economic compensation for the termination of employment due to contract
With the implementation of the Labor Contract Act in January 2008, China's economic compensation payment system was greatly expanded. In other words, in the labor law era until 31 December 2007, there was no obligation to renew the contract and to pay economic compensation when the fixed-term labor contract was due. Companies were able to use it to send out senior employees with higher wages and replace them easily with younger workers with lower wages. The Labor Contract Act provides for a wedge in the short-term employment phenomenon triggered by this, and at the end of the contract, an attempt to terminate the employment (in case of contract renewal), economic compensation.
He imposed a payment obligation
Under the principle of non-payment of laws, the period of application of economic compensation for termination of employment due to contract expiration is January 2008.
Only applicable for service period after 1 day.

High-wage economic compensation - Application of the upper payment ceiling regulation
In order to curb some high-wage earners’ excessive receipt of economic compensation, the Labor Contract Act established the upper limit of the high-wage wage earner (3 times) and the limit of the period (12 months). The cap on economic compensation money existed even in the pre-2008 labor legal age. However, at that time, the 12-month cap on economic compensation was applied in exceptional cases only to some statutory requirements (e.g., the lifting of negotiations, the lifting of non-compliance, etc.).
With the upper limit on economic compensation for high-wage workers, the economic compensation shall be calculated by applying the criteria of the past labor legal age to be transferred from January 2008 to January 2008 and the labor contract law era to the period of service thereafter.


3. Calculation of economic compensation and calculation of the number of years of service

Amount of economic compensation = Monthly wage standard corresponding to the number of service

Calculation Method of Wage Standards
It is based on the monthly average wage divided by 12 for the previous 12 months, which includes total wage income for the last 12 months (including bonuses, bonuses, bonuses and overtime expenses) before the termination or termination of labor contracts. If the work is less than 12 months, the average wage is calculated based on the number of months actually worked. Meanwhile, the last 12 months are assumed to be normal business conditions, such as "cancellation of operations" and, in the case of receiving abnormal wages, the period is excluded from the 12 months.

[Local judicial standards for Shanghai]
The Shanghai court was the only court in the country to make a local judicial interpretation that the calculation of economic compensation is deductible because overtime costs are not "normal wage income." However, in order to avoid unnecessary friction with retired employees, economic compensation is calculated and paid, including overtime expenses, unless special circumstances exist in Shanghai.
(Building) Civil Code Application Questionnaire of the High-Level People's Court in Shanghai (2013-1)--Calculator of Economic Compensation Funds

Restriction of economic compensation for high-wage employees

the upper limit of a sum
If the monthly wage of an employee (12 months average wage) exceeds three times the average monthly wage of an employee in the previous year, the wage standard of the economic compensation paid to that employee is calculated as three times that of the previous year's average wage of the company's property.
two-year limit
In calculating the service life, the number of months corresponding to the service life shall not exceed a maximum of 12 months. Even if a person has worked for 20 months, 12 months will be the legal upper limit.

Calculation of years of service

1 Time of service life
The number of years of service at the time of calculating the economic compensation shall be calculated from the working day at the company. However, the fixed-term labor contract is signed and the employment termination date at the end of the contract is subject to the payment of economic compensation only for the years of service from January 2008 (the new clause of the Labor Contract Act).
It is the case of termination of the contract that requires attention here. Economic compensation paid based on the total number of years of service from the time of employment when the contract is terminated from the previous era of labor law
On the other hand, if a medical period is given due to a worker's illness or non-work injury, this medical period is also counted as a continuous service life.

2 Retired soldiers' years of service
Care should be taken when hiring veterans when the military service training is calculated for the first time since retirement and economic compensation requirements are met for the relocation of the company, the economic compensation shall be calculated for the combined period of the company's service and military service (the opinion on the resettlement of veterans in accordance with the employment unit's labor contract system).
However, because the military service training is only counted on the first company after retirement, if a veteran joins the company after several companies, it does not count on the number of years he or she has received economic compensation in his first job or not. Therefore, it is very important for veterans to check whether they are first-time employees or have other company experience.

3 Employee's years of service from China's joint partner company
Many Chinese companies are transferred to the joint venture after their Chinese counterparts set up joint ventures with Korean companies. In this case, the employee’s years of service in the Chinese company are summed up in the joint venture’s years of service. However, if the employee transferred to the joint venture at the instruction of the Chinese joint partner, the employee has terminated the labor contract with the Chinese company that worked as his doctor and joined the joint venture, the number of years of service shall not be added.

4 Training for employees who have been transferred to related companies
If the company transfers employees to a separate company (new company) without the cause of the employee itself, the old company's years of service are added to the new company's years of service (Article 10 of the Labor Contracts Act).
Many cases involve shutting down companies or certain departments whose management has deteriorated, and transferring related employees to related companies. In this case, the employee’s service life is counted on the employee’s service life, which is a separate entity, if the former employee does not pay the economic compensation. However, if the company does not provide a job security service, if an employee releases a labor contract with the former job at his own discretion, and transfers to a related company, the employee's service life will not be added.

4. Requirements for the payment of economic compensation and the standard of tax payment

Payment upon completion of handover
Economic compensation shall be paid upon completion of the employee's handover of work (Article 50, Clause 1 of the Labor Contract Act). The Labor Contract Act stipulated the timing of payment of economic compensation to the completion of the work handover in order to prevent the failure of workers to take over upon retirement. Therefore, employees who have not completed the handover should be paid after confirming the firm implementation of the transfer, since it is not legally problematic to postpone the payment of the economic compensation.

[Labor Contracts Act]
Article50 Workers shall carry out work handover procedures in accordance with both parties' agreements. If the user is required to provide economic compensation to workers under the relevant provisions of this Act, the payment shall be made upon completion of the work handover process.

lump sum payment
Economic compensation money needs to be paid in batches (Article 2 of the Economic Compensation Rules for violating and lifting labor contracts). However, if labor and management agree on the payment in installments, follow the agreement.

a tax payment on economic compensation
Since economic compensation amounts to employee income, it is subject to taxation of personal income tax. In practice, money is paid in the name of consolation money in addition to economic compensation, which is also subject to taxation of personal income tax. When an entity pays economic compensation to its employees, it is obliged to pay the employee’s personal income tax by proxy deduction, as is the case with the payment of wages (article 8 of the Personal Income Tax Act).

[Personal income tax payment method]

1 Income tax exemption limit
Individual income taxes are exempted for income from economic compensation acquired on a one-time basis, and for the amount less than three times the average annual wage of the previous year on corporate property.
[Example] Tax exemption for Shanghai 2013: 4,692元(a monthly average wage in Shanghai 2012)×12 months
= 56,304元3배=168,912元
2 Calculation of personal income tax on excess of the exemption limit
Economic compensation (including surcharges, etc.) is calculated on the basis of the following principles:
(a) Segments within three times the previous year's average annual wage of a workman in the area shall be deducted from the taxable amount of the personal income tax.
(b) Social insurance and kitchen public funds paid from economic compensation as personal burden shall be deducted from the taxable amount of personal income tax.
(c) Since economic compensation is paid in proportion to the period of service, the wages for several months are considered to have been acquired once, and are calculated on average by dividing them into the number of years of service. Meanwhile, if the number of years of service exceeds 12 years, it is calculated as 12 years.

[Personal income tax calculation formula]
Personal income tax = {economic compensation - 3 times the average annual wage in the area - actual kitchen credit paid - social insurance premium paid]기업의 Corporate service life - personal income tax deduction amount} x applied tax rate - calculation deduction amount] x Company's continuous service life


 Economic Rewards

China’s economic compensation is quite different in its legal nature from Korea’s severance pay, which has the later nature of wages. In China, the management's obligation to pay the gold shall arise only if it conforms to the statutory reasons stipulated in the law. As the term "economic compensation" in China means, the reason for retirement is not on the part of the labor side, but on the part of the company (release the agreement, lay-off, etc.)
Or, if a worker is fired for reasons other than intentional negligence (disease, injury, incapacity for work, etc.) it has the nature of compensation to guarantee basic life during the months of unemployment until reemployment.


1. The nature and payment requirements of economic compensation

Fundamental principle of economic compensation payment
Whether China's economic compensation will be paid depends on whether the company is responsible or not.
If the cause of the labor side, i.e. notwithstanding the company's intention to continue employment, is submitted and quit due to its own reasons, or if the management refuses to offer continued employment at the time of the contract renewal, the management's obligation to pay economic compensation shall be waived.
Since the attempt to retire under the legal age of the workers themselves is considered to be the cause of the workers, there is no need to provide economic compensation unlike in Korea (retirement under the national law, which is subject to monthly pension coverage, exempts companies from economic compensation obligations).
Due to the complexity of China's economic compensation system, it is necessary to grasp the relevant laws accurately, as labor disputes are frequent at the time of retirement, and whether the reason for resignation is on which side or the payment is appropriate.

Economic compensation when the negotiation is cancelled
If a labor contract is terminated through consultation between the company and employees before the expiration of the labor contract period, the payment of the economic compensation money is determined by which party raised the settlement. If the entity proposes to terminate the contract and the worker agrees, the obligation to pay the compensation money arises.
On the other hand, if, for example, due to the conclusion of a mandatory service term agreement, the employee cannot retire at will without the consent of the company, and the company agrees to cancel the contract. In this case, when preparing a labor contract negotiation consultation agreement, the government must insert the words "released by the workers" or submit a letter of resignation to prevent a later case of economic compensation from being filed by the workers.


Economic compensation when resigning as a volunteer
There is no obligation to prevent economic compensation when resigning. However, in the event of a labor dispute, the management must prove that it is a "resource doctor," not a written resignation under a handwritten signature.
Faxes, cell phones, or punctuation employees should never be accepted, and in this case, a written resignation must be required to be submitted in this case.

Economic compensation for the termination of employment due to contract
When the contract expires, the contract is terminated naturally. At this time, if the company does not renew the contract,
Economic compensation shall be calculated and paid for the period of service after January 2008 (labor contract law).
Shin: However, despite the company's announcement of its intention to renew, the workers refused to renewals.
When a labor relationship is terminated, the entity has no obligation to pay economic compensation. However, in this case, later
To avoid conflict, evidence of workers' refusal to renew must be secured.
In a commonly used way, the company pays the current salary about a month before the contract expires.
They send a letter of intent to renew the labor contract on a lower condition and demand a written reply to the consent within the specified period. If an employee replies by expressing his intention to renew his or her intention, the employee may use it as evidence of unpaid economic compensation.
Meanwhile, in the case of sensitive business management positions, such as accounting and personnel, which were in charge of the company's important activities,
He will not be able to renew himself.In order to end a smooth employment relationship, it is desirable to pay economic compensation.

Discipline, financial compensation not paid.
If the entity is to file a disciplinary action on the basis of Article 39 of the Labor Contract Act, it is not necessary to pay economic compensation. However, there are also frequent cases of dismissal without sufficient evidence or job rules for disciplinary action. In this case, if a labor action is filed and ruled as illegal, the entity shall pay the employee an economic compensation amount equal to twice that of the economic compensation, not an economic compensation amount, (the payment of the economic compensation is not required).

Economic compensation for the dismissal of workers without negligence
In the event of dismissal due to a serious change in the conditions of disease, job defect and objectivity, not to the negligence of the workers, the company may cancel the contract by giving economic compensation plus one month. However, since fruitless layoffs require N+1 compensation and require the implementation of long-term, difficult legal procedures, in most cases, the company persuades staff with relevant evidence and sends them out in a "negotiation-free" manner. At this time, N+1 compensation is basically necessary, and there are cases where a small amount of compensation is added to facilitate negotiations.

Economic compensation on the resignation of labor's reasons for misconduct
In the event that a worker submits his or her resignation unilaterally, lifts the contract, and raises labor claims, the company shall pay economic compensation, citing misconduct by management, such as unpaid social insurance, delayed wages, unpaid overtime expenses, etc. However, since this clause is a new law under the Labor Contract Act, only the number of years of service since January 2008 will be subject to the calculation of economic compensation.
compensation money

China’s economic compensation is quite different in its legal nature from Korea’s severance pay, which has the later nature of wages. In China, the management's obligation to pay the gold shall arise only if it conforms to the statutory reasons stipulated in the law. As the term "economic compensation" in China means, the reason for retirement is not on the part of the labor side, but on the part of the company (release the agreement, lay-off, etc.)


(2) Flow of transfer procedure


1 Transfer application
Legally, a full-time employee must apply for a transfer by 30 days' time. If an employee expresses his intention to leave the company, he/she shall apply for his/her resignation through the head of the litigation department. Never accept a transfer application in the form of a verbal, fax, e-mail, or Weissin. This is because a labor lawsuit could be filed later in the day to deny the resignation itself and demand economic compensation.


2 Transfer interview
It is generally conducted by the Personnel Department to identify the employee's true intention to leave the company, and in the event of a cumulative complaint, to prevent violent behavior from occurring. In addition, in the case of superior employees, they listen to the terms of the treatment they want and dissuade them from leaving the company, while collecting candid suggestions about the company’s working environment. After the interview, prepare the Transfer Statement [Sample10-2] so that similar turnover issues are not duplicated in the future after reporting.
After the completion of the transfer interview, the personnel department starts the transfer procedure if the employee has confirmed his or her intention to move. Personnel departments notify the concerned departments of the start of the employee turnover process through e-mail.


3 Transferred handover stage
After the employee turnover is approved, the department manager designates an intra-departmental task factor to proceed with the transfer of the staff and the transfer of the work. The staff receives the Transfer Statement [Sample10-3] from the Personnel Department and carries out the handover work around the concerned departments according to the flow of the form and receives a confirmation signature. There are frequent situations in which employees transfer from the company without having to return company property such as laptops and cell phones that they received from the company when they entered the company. The general affairs department was created by an employee at the time of employment.
Based on the Receiving Table of Goods [Sample2-13], the office supplies shall be checked for return, and the corresponding amount shall be deducted from the wage settlement for non-refundable goods.
In addition, he/she shall hand over to his/her own personnel in the department about matters related to his/her duties, such as documents, files and customer lists, in accordance with [Sample10-4].


4 Wage Settlement Phase
After completing all the transfer factors, the personnel department shall proceed with the payment settlement process with the transfer employees. The settlement of the amount of wages, advance payments, and penalty (such as remaining for the period of mandatory service) of the transfer employees shall be jointly conducted by the Personnel Department and the Treasury Department, and the Employee Wage Settlement Table [Sample 10-5] shall be reported to the general account for approval, and the remaining wages and economic compensation shall be transferred to the employee’s wage bank card.


5 Final phase of turnover
Upon completion of the wage settlement, the Personnel Department issues a transfer certificate to the employees and notifies the concerned departments of the completion of the transfer procedure.

3. Precautions of the turnover phase

Legal risks vary depending on the type of turnover and the situation, and different turnover procedures and legal documents are needed. Whether it is a worker's resource transfer or a company's resignation, it is necessary to grasp the legal relationship and proceed with caution to prevent legal leases from occurring.


(1) Unauthorized transfer (self-employed)

Usually, it occurs frequently after holidays such as Spring Festival, when it is relocated to another place. When turnover is not high due to a short service life, it is often absent-minded. If an employee is absent without leave for a long time and cannot be contacted, if the company treats him as a "merciless" and leaves him without taking any legal action, the employee will later file a labor lawsuit against the company.
The cases raised cannot be ruled out. Therefore, in the event of such a situation, it is necessary for the entity to take the following steps to legally terminate the labor relationship.


[working-level measures]

1 Identifying the actual conditions of unauthorized absence of employees without leave
In the event of an unauthorized employee absenteeism, the company is required to report to the office by a certain deadline for explanation.
Send the warning letter [Sample10-6] to the employee’s address via EMS.
2 If you continue your absence without leave, the labor contract is canceled due to violation of the employment rules.
If the company fails to leave work by the time limit, it will again.
send somebody notice of dismissal



(2) Recommended resignation - Dismissing negotiations

The equivalent of Korea’s recommended post is "execution," and in legal terms "de-negotiation." It is a way to save face for employees and minimize legal risks while transferring employees, and lifting negotiations can be applied under any circumstances. Even if the labor law prohibits dismissal, such as during the third term of a woman's pregnancy and breastfeeding period, the two sides can negotiate and cancel labor contracts as much as much as possible.
In general, the negotiation cancellation method is used when there is a need to release the contract before the expiration of the contract due to lack of employee ability or lack of cooperation with other employees, deterioration of the company's management situation, or consolidation of duties. In particular, it is not easy without an internal legal expert to meet the complicated and difficult legal layoff requirements, as the current division is equivalent to the lifting of workers' negligence. In this case, sufficient data (such as results) to support the incompetence of the employee are prepared and provided on the basis of this, leading to the resignation of the recommendation.
If the company offers to resign, strong resistance from the employee is likely to follow, and from the employee's perspective, it is often pushed to "dismiss the law" in order to maximize his or her profits, making demands for economic compensation (two times the economic compensation). In this case, when the company submits its recommended resignation, it is only a "proposal for a negotiated resolution" so that the employee can double the economic compensation.


It should be emphasized that what is called for is not legally based. If an employee refuses to comply with the negotiation cancellation request for unreasonable compensation, the pressure level is gradually increased to comply with the company's offer to release negotiations by taking measures such as job adjustment, freeze wages and promotions, and, in the worst case, issue of standby.

In recent years, some Korean factories have been rushing to cut staff, but they have paid twice as much compensation as their employees demanded, making it a practice to get twice as much economic compensation if sent out under company circumstances. This will have a negative impact on labor management in the long run. It is necessary for the company to proceed by negotiating with any extent, but to add about one or two months of compensation from normal economic compensation as an incentive.
On the other hand, if the opponent is a group, once the terms of the negotiation are reversed, there will be more side effects.
As such, employees who accept the terms of the negotiation shall be executed and those who refuse to accept the terms of the negotiation shall be executed in a separate manner (atmospheric issuance, even forced dismissal, etc.) after the issue is terminated.

[working-level measures]

The recommended resignation shall be carried out in accordance with the following flow.

1 Preparedness Work
ᄋ Identifying the employee's employment time, years of service, number of contracts for labor, wage level, work performance, and home situation in advance
ᄋ Prior inspection of legal laws, retirement hours, upper limits on compensation payments, and problems that employees may face during interviews
ᄋ Preparing additional wage compensation measures (one month or more) that are provided as a condition of consent and amount of economic compensation. Adjust the compensation level's pitch according to the length of the service life.

2 Conducting an interview
ᄋ Explanation of unavoidable reasons such as the company's strategic adjustment, personnel adjustment, poor management performance, and pressure on the coast is sought for employee understanding. In this situation, the employee is no longer able to retain his position, so he asks the employee to agree to the termination of negotiations on the labor contract. If an employee agrees to sign a negotiation release agreement, the employee proposes to provide one month's compensation in addition to economic compensation commensurate with his or her years of service.
ᄋ Avoid interrupting an interview with a pre-pre-pre-pre-presenting hole. This is because the opponent next time has the potential to come up with yet another tricky requirement, with advice from an outside lawyer or colleague.
ᄋ Since the opponent is likely to become emotionally enraged, he should listen to any opinion and avoid prematurely contradicting it or arguing.
ᄋ If an employee continues to disagree, he/she shall end the interview by suggesting that development within the company will be difficult.


3 Signing written documents
Prepare documents such as Confirmation [Sample10-9] or Transfer Protocol [Sample10-8] in advance and sign them as soon as possible when agreed, so that they can change their minds and avoid other sounds.

(3) Disciplinary dismissal

It means unilaterally lifting labor contracts with workers who committed severe violations of company employment rules. There is no clear evidence of severe violations by employees, and the legal risk of dismissal is very high when the actions do not conform well to the company’s prestigious rules of employment. Therefore, for reasons of non-critical disciplinary action, the interview process often causes employees to submit their resignations without any aftereffects.
However, in the event of serious disciplinary reasons such as beating, embezzlement of public funds, and theft among employees in-house, it is necessary to take drastic disciplinary action to establish a work order, take measures to settle the case in a proper way, even if the chances of winning are low due to lack of evidence of diarrhea, and conduct a long-term legal battle in the court.

[working-level measures]

1 Collect evidence of employee negligence and check the rules of evidence in employment. There's plenty of evidence.
It should be clear, and most likely, it is a document signed by an employee.
2 Forms a disciplinary committee. The committee consists of 5-6 members, including general accounting, personnel manager, department head, direct supervisor, and representatives of employees (public shareholders), and gives employees an opportunity to explain if necessary. The committee decides whether to terminate the labor contract based on the results of the meeting. If necessary, record and record during the disciplinary committee meeting.
3 Personnel Department shall prepare a notice for cancellation of labor contract and send it to the public to receive a signature.
4 Personnel department issues a notice to employees and requires the signature of the employee. If you refuse, you'll be notified to your home.
EMS is sent and the transmission evidence is kept.


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