
02 Kitchen public funds

In the past, state-owned companies distributed homes to employees free of charge in China However, with the implementation of the Kitchen Public Fund System in the late 1990s, the policy was changed from "real distribution" of houses to "funding support" and the Kitchen Public Interest (long-term savings) system, in which the monthly housing purchase funds were set aside at the kitchen public service center at the joint labor-management ratio, was implemented.
Kitchen public funds refer to long-term kitchen public funds, which are set aside at the same rate by businesses and employees so that employees can use them for purchasing, building, renovating, and repairing houses. Under Cabinet Ordinance No. 262, which was promulgated in 1999, the Kitchen Public Funds became a legal obligation.


1. An Overview of the Kitchen Public Expend

Supervision of the payment of kitchen public funds
Unlike social insurance under the management and supervision of the Bureau of Labor, the Kitchen Public Fund is under the control of the Kitchen Public Funds Management Center. Unlike legal social insurance, such as the old and the medical insurance, kitchen public funds are not set aside in the social unification management fund, and are only used for personal housing purposes, so the intensity of law enforcement is relatively weaker than social insurance. In addition, the Kitchen Public Loan Center also has passive supervision activities on the basis of complaint.
If a company does not pay kitchen bills, the employee's remedies are limited. Even if workers apply for arbitration due to kitchen public funds, repairs are denied, and courts do not accept them. Since the inspection team is not included in the inspection team's inspection list, it is impossible to file a complaint with the inspection team. This is because the issue of unpaid kitchen bills is not settled through lawsuits, but is considered to be an issue to be dealt with through the kitchen's public money center in charge of collecting

The Role of the Kitchen Public Deposit Center
The Kitchen Public Funds Center in each province is responsible for the management of the kitchen public funds jointly established by businesses and workers. As an employee, the only remedy is to file a complaint against the company to the management center and request supplemental payment of the kitchen public expense by submitting a labor contract payroll statement. If the Kitchen Public Deposit Center does not move, the accuser may file an administrative suit against the center.
In line with the rise in real estate prices, workers' interest in kitchen public money has increased significantly, raising complaints to the deposit center for unpaid kitchen bills, and some local kitchen public money centers have been stepping up supervision by sending companies fines, notice and reminder letters of compensation payment if complaints are filed and verified.


Meanwhile, as part of its recent "urbanization" policy, the government actively pursues "the settlement of farming and farming industries in cities."
In the meantime, the government has been strengthening its supervision of the company's payment of kitchen bills every day by day. Shanghai, Shenzhen,
Beijing and other cities have promulgated administrative rules for strengthening the management of kitchen public funds or have declared kitchen public funds.
The center has strengthened its supervision function and is actively engaged in the handling of workers' complaints.
The legal risk of unpaid kitchen bills is increasing day by day. So, still the kitchen.
For companies that do not pay public money, kitchen work even from some employees step by step.
It will be necessary to start paying gold.

2. Criteria for the payment of kitchen public funds

Subject to payment
All employees serving in a company will be targeted, and even farmers who spend money abroad will not be discriminated against under the law. However, it should be noted that, in reality, different policies are in place for farmers or for those who have an outside urban household depending on the province. For example, in the case of farmers with severe manpower fluctuations, companies should check the specific payment conditions of the local area at the kitchen public service center in their location, as Beijing and Shanghai are given the option of joining the company membership.
[Bukgyeong, Shanghai] Payment is made to the owners of the estuary and the out-of-the-box city.
Forced by the government, the company is given a choice for those in need of agriculture.

a paid-in rider
1 My monthly wage position for the previous year (total total wage / 12 including bonus, overtime, etc.)
2 Upper and lower limits on the number of days (base) paid for kitchen public funds
ᄋ Upper limit of the flag carrier: Average wage for the previous year in the city x 3 times x 12 percent
ᄋ Lower bound for flag bearer: the minimum wage for the city;
3 When to set and pay the number of new employees in the year
(a) Employees who enter their first job after graduation (no job experience)
From the second month of employment, the company pays kitchen bills and the period of payment is the total wage for the second month.
(b)Employees who have entered the company on a medium-sized loan.
Starting from the day of employment, the kitchen service fee will be paid, and the period of payment will be the total amount of wages in the month of employment.

rate of payment
Typically 5% (the lowest rate in court) to 12% (the highest rate) and the company and its employees pay at the same rate. If a high percentage of payment is reported from the beginning, all employees must sign a written agreement when the reduction adjustment is made later. Therefore, it is necessary to report to the lowest percentage of the area where the kitchen public funds are registered for the first time.


Penalty if kitchen public funds are not paid
If the company does not register the payment of the Kitchen Public Loan, the Kitchen Public Loan Center will press for implementation within the time limit and may impose a fine of 50,000 yuan from 10,000 yuan for executory. In the event that the company does not pay within the time limit or is underpaid, the Kitchen Public Loan Center shall press for due payment and may apply for compulsory execution by the People's Court in the event of non-execution.

Cautions concerning the payment of kitchen public funds
1 Company and employees maintain the same percentage of payments
The payment ratio of the company and its employees must be consistent.
For example, the difference in the rate of payment, such as 10% of employees and 12% of the company, is not recognized.
2 Differentiation payment ratio cannot be applied within the same company
The payment ratio of all employees in the same entity should be the same. For example, payment from an existing employee
The ratio will be 12 percent, and new employees cannot be 10 percent. However, the overall percentage of the workplace is
It is possible to upgrade or downgrade step by step.
3 Payment period can only be adjusted once a year
Most regions are adjusted as of July 1st (based on average wages in the previous year), and the adjustment period is adjusted.
It is valid until June 30 of the following year. Therefore, in the case of new graduates in August of the year,
By the end of June of the following year, the term of payment will be the wages for the month of employment.
4 If an employee does not sign up for a kitchen credit, he or she will sign up for a letter of approval.
Kitchen public funds are legally enforced under the State Council Ordinance, so employees are required to give up their membership.
Even if a confirmation is submitted, it will have no legal effect if an employee is turned back later. Peasant ball,
In the event that foreign expenditure holders do not wish to subscribe to the kitchen public funds on their own, it is not legally valid
In preparation for further investigation by the Center for Kitchen Public Funds, it is recommended that the following consent form be accepted.
If an employee requests a separate cash payment as a condition of giving up, and the employee is required to accept the payment as an entity.
In case of a situation, it is required to make up for the public kitchen bills later in the approval form, and to make up the cash.
It shall be accompanied by a provision agreeing to return the amount paid to the Company.

[Approved letter]
After careful consideration, I do not want to pay the kitchen public money. Therefore, I hope the company will not process the kitchen public money for you or deduct the kitchen public expense from your wages. I hereby pledge: I am responsible for all outstanding kitchen bills and I would like to abandon all claims to the company resulting from unpaid kitchen bills.


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