
01 Recruitment

With the continuous implementation of the labor law, which puts priority on protecting workers' rights, such as the Labor Contract Act, the risk of employment by companies has risen sharply, and in effect, the initiative in labor relations has fallen into the hands of workers. Many of the labor disputes are often caused by lax management of the recruitment phase, among other things, becoming a "fire line." The best way to prevent employment risks is to thoroughly manage recruitment and block the entry of unqualified people from "entry."

1. Basic work on recruitment and recruitment

(1) Position setting and organization (determining)

The expansion of corporate manpower is not easy to control. As sales increase, the heads of the relevant departments are bound to complain of a shortage of manpower, while those not directly involved are scrambling to increase staff. If the company fails to control the increase in manpower, it will soon result in an excess of work-ready personnel, which will lead to unnecessary increases in labor costs, as well as a widespread distracted and complacent attitude, resulting in a decline in the overall labor efficiency of the company.
To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to establish positions in the company and "control devices" called "decision-making" of position installation and garden system. After confirming the organization structure of the enterprise and the positions of each department, the job analysis proceeds with the establishment of the position and the arrangement of the quota, which is the basis for all HR tasks, and at the same time is the evidence for recruitment.
o Position installation (determined): Position required within the enterprise is installed based on scope and nature of work
o Determining the proper number required for each position

After determining the position installation and quota, the number of persons assigned to each position shall be determined based on the number of positions The personnel assignment by position, determination by position, and determination are collectively referred to as "3 determination". The "three determinations" are the basis of the company's recruitment management.

List of position settings (case)
Position status (position) in the numbering category (postion) and current status in the details of the work.

(2) Preparing a job description

Job description for the position installed and installed during the determination process
It is necessary to write a book. The job description shall be prepared by the personnel department in consultation with the current department. The existence of Job Descriptions [Sample 2-1] is the only way to set employment standards and find the right people.
Korean companies are vague about one or two lines of information such as "holdings of business experience that can be used for Korean language."
Many are hiring by themselves. If this is done, it is easy to have a hiring miss because the exact requirements of the person to be hired are not defined and the image of the person to be hired is not drawn.
What is most necessary before recruiting is to clarify the department’s policy of seeking employment. Under the policy, it is necessary to analyze what the employees will do basically, based on their daily, weekly and monthly duties.

(3) Control of recruitment of employees

Staffing departments that are scheduled to use the workforce are required to submit a request to the human resources department by listing the manpower demand table [Sample 2-2].
Personnel departments review the need for recruitment, based on the quota system by company position. If an application is made outside of the quota system, the personnel department shall submit the application to the company management for approval and then conduct the recruitment.


2. Recruitment and recruitment process

[Stage 1] Preparing for Recruitment
o Request to submit the Personnel Demand Table [Sample 2-2] to the Employment Needs Division
o In case of an office management position, request the preparation and submission of a job description for the relevant position [Sample 2-1];

[Stage 2] Publication of Recruitment Information
o Choosing an appropriate recruitment method (Internet recruitment site, workforce introduction company, headhunting, etc.)
o Selection of Internet recruitment sites according to employment targets
- Low level positions such as functional, public, etc.: 58城Subject, 赶集, 百姓, etc.
- Office jobs, mid- to high-level positions: 웹사이트 (www.zhaopin.com), 看准网 (www.kanzhun.com), 程无扰 (www.51job.com), 智联网 (www.51job.com), 智联网 (www.zhaopin.com), 智联网 (www.zhaopin.com), 智联网 (www.56job.com) and 中 华 (www.56job.com)
- High rank, technical position: headhunting, etc.

[Stage 3] Screening of resumes
o Initial resume screening in human resources: age, gender, major, academic background, experience and achievements, education and training, etc.
à After the first screening process, prepare the resume screening result table based on the basis of factors
o The use department conducts a second screening process for the first selected resume and makes sure that the employees are qualified for the employment conditions.
Confirmation, notice to the Personnel Department of Personnel.

[Stage 4] First Test Candidates Phone Call
o Conduct a brief interview on the phone
- Those who fail to meet the company's employment criteria should be eliminated by checking the applicant's basic situation, job-seeking motivation, and wage conditions.
o Notification of company visit time, place, and instruction data, etc.

[Stage 5] Conducting the first test (Human Resources)
o Requesting and verifying identification of the job applicants on site
o Personnel Recruitment Manager Conducts 1st Interview
- Evaluate factors such as appearance, personality and personality, communication and expressive ability, values, and convergence with corporate culture.
- Record the results of the interview on the interview assessment table [Sample 2-4]
o Requests the human resources department to conduct a second interview for those who pass the first interview
- Send the Employment Information Register and the Access Evaluation Sheet to the Manpower Use Department

[Specific] For positions required by the job, take a written/practical test

[Stage 6] Conducting the second test (Human Resources Department)
o The head of the human resources department conducts a second round of interviews on factors such as professional functions, experience, work skills, and teamwork
- Record the results of the interview with the employment opinions on the interview assessment table.
o After the interview, send the Personnel Department an Interview Evaluation Sheet
- In-depth interviews are conducted by the management team, technical staff, and high-ranking officials with a certain grade or higher.

[Stage 7] Background survey and recruitment report
o Background investigation
- Background surveys should be conducted on management/technical personnel with a certain grade or higher among those who passed the second test.
- Write the results of the survey in [Sample 2-5] and sign it.
o After phone calls, e-mails, etc. on demands such as wage and welfare, job candidates are appointed to the management of the company.

[Stage 8] Physical examination information
o Request for physical examination by the company-designated hospital for recruitment.
- Hospital requests notification of physical examination results to the company
o Review of physical examination results
- for those who have problems with their physical examination results, such as infectious diseases, high blood pressure, liver failure, etc., notice that they are not able to be employed euphemistically, citing reasons other than physical health problems.

[Stage 9] Notification of the date of employment registration
o Notification of job registration date and list of sub-contractor data to recruiters
- Send mail in the form of a simple notice, not a formal notice
o Personnel department requests the relevant department to proceed with preparatory work regarding the placement of new employees

[Stage 10] Job Registration Procedure
o Preparation of an employment registration table [Sample 2-6] and confirmation and receipt of various submission documents
o Signing labor contracts and various agreements


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