
2. Protecting young and young workers

(1) Employment of children under 16 years of age

If child workers are hired illegally, they will be ordered to correct them and fined. In addition, if an accident occurs during illegal employment, the business license may be revoked if the situation is serious.
Since children under the age of 16 are likely to get a job by raising their age by forging their ID cards, a firm confirmation of the authenticity of their ID cards is needed for those who look like child balls.

[No Children's Public Service Regulations]
Article 2 No minors under the age of 16 shall be used.
Article6 In the case of the use of child workers, the labor-related sector shall impose a fine of 5,000천 per month for each child worker.

(2) Underage workers (age 16 - age 18 only)

Employment is possible, but under the Special Protection Regulations for Underage Workers, considerable legal restrictions are imposed on the Labor Department, including the registration of underage employment and annual physical examinations, and the prohibition of dangerous and high-strength work.

[Special protection for young workers]

(1) Responsibilities for regular health examination (Article 6)
The user shall perform a medical examination of underage workers as shown below.
one-work distribution
two years of service
3 At the age of 18, half a year has elapsed from the previous session's health examination.
Contents of Health Diagnosis: According to the items listed on the health examination table of underage workers
(2) Labor sector registration obligations when employing underage workers (Article 9)
When recruiting underage workers, the user must register with the Bureau of Labor located within 30 days of the date of employment. At the time of registration, an adult worker's health checklist, a minor's identification card, a labor contract, etc. shall be submitted, and an adult worker's registration card shall be issued after the examination.

[Labor Labor Security Inspection Ordinance]
Article23 In the case of the following paragraph, the Labor Security Administration shall order correction and shall be calculated and fined on the basis of a standard of not less than 1,000元5000元 per victim.
(7) To underage workers, labor in mine mines, labor in toxic chemicals, and fourth degree physical labor as defined by the state.
In the case of robbery or other work to be avoided.
(8) In case underage workers are not regularly examined.


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