
Project-oriented organizations are project-oriented because the organizational form itself is project-shaped.
Organic cooperation of each expert, led by Liza, and coordination of organizational operations.
The project manager has all the responsibility and decision-making authority associated with product development and is responsible for the entire operation.
The goal and responsibility for product development are clear and systematic schedule control is carried out.

Relevant with diverse perspectives and capabilities, including complex technologies and services, through project organizational and operational methods
The simple sum of individual efforts can be achieved through simultaneous mutual communication and collaboration among members.
No, we can do more than that.

The project-driven, integrated organization has the following objectives:

< Purpose목적
1. Horizontal integration of projects throughout the product lifecycle, including business strategy, officers planning, development, delivery, and sales
2. Vertical integration between project portfolios (correlation between company strategies and projects)
3. Build an integrated project governance structure to create and deliver value

Project-oriented organizations also standardize the PM process by having a permanent Project Management Office, realize the economy of scale of project execution, manage indicators, staff Staffing PM managers and professionals, provide best practices, project guides, and methodologies.

Recent businesses such as Convergence, Smart Home, Smart Car, and Internet of Things are rapidly evolving.
With innovative new technologies and new products, the innovation cycle is short, whenever and wherever (the industry is free of boundaries).
Companies survive in market conditions where an armed competitor may emerge and shake the landscape of the game.
In order to grow, the framework of the project perspective is increasingly emphasized in organizational design.

So the IT-based smart product business is the first Mover, and the market is driven by the preoccupancy of the competition.
Concurrently because the impact is devastating and it is currently uncertain which product will standardize the market.
We need to explore and experiment with the possibilities of a variety of products, and the time pressures of rapid product development are high.
Getting stronger.

So we need to create a new market through new products, that is, gradual improvement, non-continuous rather than innovation.
Organizations that need to innovate will be driven by a project team based on a horizontal organizational structure
Must be done and new product rich release of ideas, empowering members to make quick decisions
This delegated and horizontal communication and cooperation must be assumed.

Organizations must be able to manage their existing and innovative product businesses simultaneously from an enterprise perspective to succeed and grow
Because it can be done, one business unit operates a traditional organization and the other business unit is a professional.
It is possible to develop the organization operation in the form of a project.

As an example of project-centric organizational operations, smart TVs based on current IT technologies and services, s
The way Google operates its organization, which is expanding into the market, smart cars, and the Internet of Things.
a review box

If you look at Google's enterprise organizational chart, it's basically built into a matrix system between the Product Management organization and the functional organization, and it's project-driven in the way organizations operate.
In the offing, i.e. operating a small cross - functional team consisting of personnel from each relevant functional organization.

One of the reasons why Google can bring innovative products to the market that can change the world is because of the PM-led collaborative project operating system.
Work around projects, trying to have fewer middle layers of possible functional organizations.
For continuous development and research of ideas, the project consists of 3 to 4 people (up to 12 people).
It is a team of size, with over 1,000 projects carried out annually.
Therefore, it is not important that he belongs to him.
Responsibility and authority for a project can be delegated to a team led by the PM, which can lead to high morale and accountability, and can be derived from rigidity and slow handling caused by the high level of decision-making, which is a disadvantage of bureaucracy.
How Google operates its organization (concept diagram)

At Google, PM has full responsibility for the success and failure of the new product development from product concept to theoretical, leading the major decision making at each stage.

Chief executives and executives from Google's functional groups, sectors, can help each small team work.
Support personnel, etc. and have always open communication and cooperative relationship with PM.

In case of a complex project, Google operates a Program Management organization in relation to the project organization, a Program Manager is deployed to help members focus on Big Picture during the project and supports scheduling, risk analysis, resource-staffing, and so on the project.


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