
3. Interview test

(1) Preparing a work-seeker registration table

Most companies are asking questions based on a brief resume they send when applying for an interview. Since resumes are written arbitrarily by individual applicants, they often tend to exaggerate their educational background and careers and hide what is disadvantageous to them. In addition, since the resume submitted by the applicant is a standard form written on a PC, it is difficult to identify whether it was written by the applicant himself or not, and it is difficult for the management to use it as evidence even if a labor lawsuit is filed later due to academic or career fraud.
The company distributes the required [Sample2-3] to interviewers who come to the interview site, puts their resumes back in their own handwriting on the spot. 1 Obtain evidence as evidence in the event of a lawsuit, 2 Identifies the applicant’s personality by collecting information about the applicants who want to apply for the interview.
4 It can have effects such as identifying the evidence of a previous job.
The form can be self-designed around entries that the company wants to identify, so it has the advantage to examine the applicant’s objective situation in more detail. In addition, if the contents are found to be false after joining the company, it is possible to ask for legal responsibility.

Since it can be used as evidence, the registration table must specify a clause of the pledge that the person is responsible for legal responsibility when the information written by him is different from the facts and receive a confirmation signature.
The most important thing in the Employment Information Register is identifying the former workplace attestation in paragraph (4). It is required to fill out the contact details of the former job certificate on the Employment Information Register form. State the names and phone numbers of the two former bosses and colleagues who worked just before. If an employee has a problem with his previous job, he or she will be reluctant to report it, and if so, the company will be able to identify the applicant's reputation in his or her former job.

[Point] The Legal Personality of the Job Seeker Registration Table
The Employment Information Register form is a legal document for information about applications produced by an entity and recorded by the work-seeker himself. The law gave companies the right to know when hiring workers. The entity may use the work-seeker registration table as an important means for the exercise of the right to designate.

(2) Points of interview

[Point] Interview Progress Flow
Introducing 자기 Self-introduction à à Reasons for being in the current workplace à Treating hopeful jobs (current and hope) à Impression to the company à (family composition, hobby, personality, family register, etc.)
Commuting time/path, etc.

Verification of resume entries or self-introduction is required
Don't take the information as it is. For example, even if it is written as a good Korean and English speaker, it is often only a simple conversation. In Korean, many people speak well but have little ability to write documents. Therefore, for positions requiring a foreign language, a simple written test is essential after the interview.
Generally, Chinese job seekers have excellent presentation skills that appeal to them during interviews. Since there are not many cases of actual packing and bloating, it is desirable for experienced workers to check out their expertise or take practical tests.

[Point] Interview alone is not enough to identify actual capabilities
o When asked to process a screw because he has 10 years of shelf experience, he said, "It is natural that he cannot process a screw since he has only worked on a shaft for 10 years.
o When I asked why I cheated because I thought the official was a professional, but he didn't cheat because he didn't have any experience at all, he said he didn't cheat because he had learned something at school. The concept of experience we think of is different because it means the period of professional skill acquisition, and what the Chinese people say is just that they have learned or know at school. Production jobs, in particular, may have only done one simple task in their lifetime, so a practical test is essential.


Recruitment based on ability rather than personality
Korean companies tend to hire people who are sincere and cooperative. Humanity is important, but if you don't have the job skills, you can't give them the education they want.
be unable to produce For managers, personality and values are as important as ability, so life
Ask questions about the most spectacular things in , unpleasant things, happy things, admirers, trustees, and model for one's life, and ask why.

Frequently transferred employees are on the lookout.
They ask in detail why they have worked in the past and transferred. In the case of frequent transfers, caution is required. In particular, since former employees are often mixed with former employees from Korean-American companies, it is necessary to check their contact information, which is proof of their previous job.

For Korean speakers, check their practical skills.
For Korean language majors, they need to check their knowledge and skills in the field of practice. This is because there are many employees who can speak only Korean and do not have other skills.

Confidently notify the details and treatment of the work
What purpose will you hire, what will you do, and what will you do with your wages?
He is advised to prevent immediate retirement after employment.

Chinese interviewer's class
It is imperative that the relevant Chinese staff be present for the interview and listen to his opinion. This is because only Chinese people have a catchable sense and attitude.

Questions about your former employer's salary
Rather than asking vaguely about salary status, it is important to ask about the salary structure (requires separation of basic pay and job allowances, performance and bonuses). It is important to note that, in particular, the ratio of variable benefits paid in conjunction with the performance of the business is much higher than in Korea, and applicants tend to respond with the benefits they receive under their maximum performance conditions.

4. Appointment of Designated Rights

(1) The need to exercise the right of designation;

False cases of academic and career information are common in order to get a job. In order to avoid recruitment risks resulting from such employee deceptive practices, an entity must use the "peripotentiary" guaranteed by law. The following are the types of deceit that occur frequently:
1 Provide false information (non-compliance employee): Individual records, achievements, work experience, defect records, etc.
2 Employee ignorance, concealment of personal information: occupational disease history, serious illness, pregnancy, etc.
3 Avoidance of contract obligations with other companies: Consultation of service after training, consultation of prohibition of competing businesses, etc.


a price for neglect of exercising one's right of appointment
Two months after she retired from a clothing store, Mrs. Wang applied for the store again. The store manager hired Mrs. Wang immediately, without physical examination, because she was already experienced and familiar with the store. By the way, Mrs. Wang applied for a sick leave from the second month and began to recuperate for an extended period. She hid her diabetes when she reentered the hospital. She tried to take advantage of corporate health insurance. The dismissal of Ms. Wang during the three-month medical period is legally prohibited, and she cannot be retired. Mrs. Wang has dug into the loophole of holes.

The labor contract law guarantees workers' right to designate companies, while at the same time stipulating users' right to designate workers. The company retains the right to know about the circumstances of workers' age, physical condition, work experience, knowledge function and employment status directly related to the conclusion and implementation of labor contracts. If a worker's notice to a company is found to be false, the company can legally fire it.
In the recruitment review phase, the entity shall make the best use of the right of designation, conduct a thorough investigation and verification of the applicants. What should be noted when exercising the right of designation is that information about the applicants should be obtained in such a way that "evidence preservation" is possible.
In addition, it is necessary for the applicant to specify his or her own statement that "the legal responsibility for providing false information, and if the worker provides false information, the user shall immediately terminate the labor contract and not pay economic compensation, and the applicant shall confirm the veracity and accuracy of the information."

[Article 8 of the Labor Contracts Act] The user shall have the right to identify the basic conditions of the workers directly involved in the conclusion of the labor contract, and the worker shall explain the truth.

Legal action in violation of worker's obligation of notice
The purpose of the right of designations exercised by the user is to determine whether to enter into a labor contract through a breakdown of the circumstances for the worker. If a worker intentionally discloses false information, it constitutes a "deceptive" so that the user can claim nullification of the labour contract and legally terminate the contract.

[Example] Termination of False Certificate Submitters
When she got a job with an IT company, Kim presented her with a diploma from a top university, which earned her 10,000 won a month in high wages. Three years later, the company lifted the labor contract with Kim on the condition of three months of economic compensation plus one-month notice due to worsening business conditions. A few months after retirement, the company learned of Kim's submission of a false diploma at a chance, and filed for labor arbitration demanding the nullification of the labor contract and the return of the economic compensation money, and won the case after a lawsuit.

(2) Checking the personal information of the applicant

1 Determination of age
The age of adulthood in China is set at 18. Employment of child workers under the age of 16 is strictly prohibited For those under the age of 16 and 18 years old, it is advisable for foreign-invested companies to avoid hiring minors under the age of 18 unless under special circumstances, as they are required to report to the Bureau of Labor and comply with the provisions relating to the protection of minors.
The method of age identification is simple. As an adult (18 years old), a certificate of identity is issued from the Public Security Bureau, so if you check your ID card, you can investigate your age. In this case, a copy of the identity certificate submitted by the employee is checked against the original, and the signature is received on the copy and preserved as evidence.

2 Confirmation of identity certificate
Counterfeit identification is common in China. If you are suspected of forging your ID, you can check it by going to the website (www.ip138.com), sending your ID card name and ID number, and paying 5 yuan. You can also check the photos of the registered ID.


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