
협상의 원칙
협상의 기본서라 할 수 있는 '어떻게 원하는 것을 얻는가? 스튜어트 다이아몬드 지음'에서 참조한 내용입니다. 더 자세한 내용을 보시려면 '어떻게 원하는 것을 얻는가? 스튜어트 다이아몬드 지음, B.O출판사' 책을 참조하식 바랍니다. 

1. 목표에 집중하라.
부차적인 것들에 신경 쓰지 마라.

2. 상대의 머릿속 그림을 그려라. @
협상에 있어 가장 효율적인 방법은 강압적 수단을 쓰지 않고, 상대방이 자발적으로 손을 내밀도록 만드는 것이다.

3. 감정에 신경 써라.
상대의 감정에 공감하면서 감정을 보살 펴라. 감정적 지불을 해서라도 이성적인 판단을 할 수 있도록 유도해야 한다.

4. 모든 상황은 제각기 다르다는 것을 인식하라.
모든 협상에서 만능으로 통하는 전략이란 존재하지 않는다. 

5. 점진적으로 접근하라.
한꺼번에 너무 많은 것을 요구하는 바람에 실패한다. 
걸음걸이의 보폭을 줄여라. 
한번에 한걸음씩 상대방을 목표지점으로 끌어들여라.
상대가 아직 나를 덜 신뢰한다면 더욱 속도를 줄여야 한다. 협상의 매 단계마다 상대방과의 간격을 확인하라.

6. 가치가 다른 대상을 교환하라.
한쪽은 중요하게 생각하고 다른 한쪽은 중요하게 생각하지 않는 대상을 서로 교환할 수 있다.
교환대상은 단순한 이해관계나 필요의 범위를 넘어선다. 협상에서 목표파이를 크게 늘리고, 더 많은 기회를 만들어낸다.

7. 상대방이 따르는 표준을 활용하라.
정치적 성향, 과거 발언, 의사결정 방식을 알면 원하는 것을 얻을 수 있다.
@표준이란 상대가 과거에 한말이나 약속 등 스스로 저한 표준임. 상대는이를 어기는 것을 싫어함. 협상전에 의제를 정하고 표준을 모르면 물어보라. 
@프레이밍이란 상대에게 정보를 제시하느 ㄴ 방법, 즉 표준을 제시하는 구체적인 방법을 뜻한다. 상대방의 마음을 움직일 수 있는 특정한 표현으로 말하는 것이 프레이밍의 핵심!
아멕스는 회원들이 특전을 누린다고 광고하지만 비회원들이 회원들보다 더 많은 특전을 누리는 군요. 
8. 절대 거짓말 하지 마라.
억지로 강해 보이려고 하거나, 다정하게 구는 것도 좋지 않다. 

9. 의사소통에 만전을 기하라. 
뛰어난 협상가는 뻔한 상황일지라도 이를 상대에게 꼭 알린다.

10. 숨겨진 걸림돌을 찾아라.
상대방의 입장에서 협상 달성을 막는 걸림돌이 무엇인지 파악하라.

11. 차이를 인정하라.
상대와 차이를 부정적으로 심적으로 불편해 하지말고, 차이는 선택을 할 떄 보다 많은 옵션을 만들수 있고,
아이디어가 번뜩이는 결과를 만들어 낸다. 

12. 협상에 필요한 모든 것으 목록으로 만들어라. 
철저한 준비없이 협상에서 이기기는 쉽지 않다. 

원하는 것을 얻는 협상 모델
1분면 : 문제 파악과 목표수립
1. 목표수립 : 단기 장기 목표를 세워라.
2.문제파악 : 목표달성의 걸림돌이 무엇인지 파악하라.
3. 관계자 구분 : 상대방, 의사결정자, 제3자의 목록을 작성하라.
4. 최악의 시나리오 예상 : 협상 결렬시 예상되는 상황을 생각하라.
5. 준비 : 상대방에 대한 정보를 모두 수집하라.

2분면 : 상황분석
6. 니즈와 관심파악 : 양측의 니즈와 관심이 무엇인가?
7. 상대에 대한 인식 : 양측의 머릭속 그림은 무엇인가?
8. 의사소통 방식 파악 : 의사소통 스타일과 관계는 어떠한가?
9. 표준에 대한 인식 : 상대방이 지키는 표준은 무엇인가?
10. 목표 재검토 : 상황 판단에 따른 목표 조정이 필요한가?

3분면 : 옵션 선택과 리스크 대처
11. 브레인스토밍 : 목표달성을 위한 옵션은 무엇인가?
12. 점진적 접근 방법 설정 : 의험을 줄이는 중간 단계를 설정하라.
13. 제3자의 존재 파악 : 공동의 적이나 영향을 끼치는 존재가 있는가?
14. 프레이밍 확립 : 비전을 만들고 창의적으로 질문하라.
15. 대안 마련 : 협상을 진전시키기 위한 다른 옵션을 찾아라.

4분면 : 행동
16. 최선의 방법과 우선순위 결정 : 협상에 결정적 요인과 포기애햐 할 것들을 파악하라.
17. 협상방식  숙고 : 누구에게 어떻게 이야기 할 것인가?
18. 절차인지 : 의제, 시한, 시간관리에 소홀하지 마라.
19. 계약사항과 인센티브 확인 : 상대방에게 직접 확인하라.
20. 후속진행 : 누가, 무엇을 진행할 것인가?

- 합의하기 쉬운 주제부터 시작하라.
- 시안별로 논의 시간을 제한하라.

데드라인 설정 : 사안에 직면할 때마다 상대의 머릿속 그림을 그려보아야 한다. 협상 전에 준비와 역할 전환을 통해 상대방이 어떤 생각을 할 것인지 미리 감을 잡아야 한다. 마감에 쫓긴다면 시간을 조정하거나 협상을 아예 거부하라.

- 정중하고 친근하게 표현
- 비전을 제시하여 함께 달 성할 수 있는 일에 초점을 맞추어라. 
- 목표달성에 도움이 되는 정보는 미리 공개할 수록 좋다.
- 협상에서 모든 정보를 드러낼 필요는 없다.
- 협상과 관련된 정보를 많이 가진 사람이 먼저 제안을 해야 양측이 적절한 기대수준을 설정 할 수있다.
- 협상 폭이 넓어서,믿음이 안갈 안갈 경우 섣불리 먼저 말하지 않는 것이 도움이 된다.

- 극단적 제안은 협상을 망칠 뿐이다. 상대방의 인식에서 생각하라.
제안수준이 너무 낮으면 상대방의 가치를 깎아내리는 것이고 제안 수준이 너무 높으면 상대방은 종종 포기해 버린다.
- 상대방이 극단적 제안을 하면 감정적으로 대응하지 말고 표준을 활용하고 그런 제안을 하게 된 배경을 물어라.

- 가장 빨리, 쉽게 해낼 수 있는 일을 기준으로 우선순위를 정하라. 난이도보다 처리 속도가 우선이다.

- 협상에는 역할 분담이 중요하다. 협상이 끝나면 각자 할일을 적고 책임자와 시한을 명확히 해야 한다. PLAN B를 생각하고 있어야 나중에 많은 시간과 비용을 아낄 수 있다. 

- 상대방의 머릿속 그림을 그려보고, 질문을 통해 머릿속 그림을 확인하고 한걸음씩 서시히 목표를 향해 나아가라.
- 상대방의 머릿속 그림은 출발점이고 협상의 목표는 종착점이며, 점진적 단계는 거기까지 가는 중간 과정이다. @@@
지피지기면 백전백승,
상대방을 역지사지하여 이해

@ 극단적 문제를 해결하려면...
1. 상대방과 일정한 간격을 두어라.
2. 전문가의 조언을 구하라.
3. 직면한 사안에 대해 자세히 조사하라.
4. 상대방이 감정을 통제할 수 있도록 도와라.
5. 감정적 지불을 하라.
6. 표준을 활용하여 무엇이 합당한지 살펴라.
7. 상대방이나 제3자와 논의할 내용을 미리 정리하라.
8. 감정이 격해지면 휴식을 취하라. 



principle of negotiation
How do you get what you want, which is the basis of negotiations? This is a reference from Stuart Diamonds. How do you get what you want for more information? Stuart Diamond, B.Please refer to the book 'Opresenter'. 

1. Focus on your goals.
Never mind the ancillary things.

2. Draw a picture in the other person's head. @
The most efficient way to negotiate is to make the other party reach out voluntarily, without using coercive means.

3. Mind your feelings.
Take care of your feelings while empathizing with them. We should encourage them to make rational judgments, even by making emotional payments.

4. Recognize that every situation is different.
There is no all-around strategy in all negotiations. 

5. Take a gradual approach.
They fail because they demand too much at once. 
Reduce the stride of your walk. 
Bring the opponent to the target point one step at a time.
If your opponent still trusts me less, you have to slow down even more. Check the gap with the other party at each stage of the negotiation.

6. Exchange objects of different values.
You can exchange objects that one side considers important and the other side does not.
The exchange target is beyond the scope of simple interests or needs. significantly increase the target range in negotiations, and create more opportunities.

7. Use the standards that the other party follows.
Knowing political orientation, past remarks and decision-making methods can get what one wants.
@Standard is a self-deprecating standard, such as what the opponent has said or promised in the past. one's opponent doesn't like to break one's. Set the agenda before negotiations and ask if you don't know the standard. 
@FRAMING means a specific way of presenting information to an opponent, i.e. a specific way of presenting standards. Speaking in a specific expression that can move the other person's mind is the key to framing!
Amex advertises that members enjoy privileges, but non-members enjoy more privileges than members do. 
8. Never lie.
It is also not good to try to look strong or be friendly. 

9. Be fully committed to communication. 
A good negotiator must inform his opponent, even in an obvious situation.

10. Find a hidden obstacle.
Find out what the stumbling block is to prevent the other side from achieving the deal.

11. Admit the difference.
Don't feel negatively and emotionally uncomfortable about differences, differences can create more options when making choices.
Ideas produce flashy results. 

12. Make a list of everything you need to negotiate. 
It is not easy to win negotiations without thorough preparation. 

a negotiating model for getting what one wants.
Part 1: Identifying problems and establishing goals
1. Establish goals: Set short-term and long-term goals.
2.Problem: Identify the stumbling block to achieving your goals.
3. Distinguish the parties: Make a list of parties, decision makers, and third parties.
4. Worst Scenario Forecast: Think of the situation that is expected to break down negotiations.
5. Preparation: Collect all information about the other party.

Two-Section: Situation Analysis
6. Needs and Interests: What are the needs and interests of both sides?
7. Consciousness of the opponent: What are the pictures of the two sides' brains?
8. Identifying Communication Methods: What is the relationship between communication style and style
9. Recognition of Standards: What are the standards that the other party upholds to?
10. Re-examination of goals: Do goals need to be adjusted according to the assessment of the situation?

Part 3: Choice of Options and Risk Handling
11. Brainstorming: What are the options for achieving the goal?
12. Establish a gradual approach: Set up an intermediate step to reduce the level of experience.
13. Identifying the existence of a third party: Is there a common enemy or an influence?
14. Establishing Framing: Create a vision and ask questions creatively.
15. Alternative: Find other options to move the negotiations forward.

Quadrant: Action
16. Best practices and priorities: Identify the critical factors in the negotiations and the things to give up.
17. Consideration of negotiating methods: Who will you talk to?
18. Whether it is a procedure: Don't neglect the agenda, the deadline, and the time.
19. Check the contract and incentives: Check directly with the other party.
20. Follow-up: Who, what will proceed?

Negotiation time
-Start with topics that are easy to agree on.
- Limit the discussion time by draft.

Deadline Settings: Every time you face an issue, you have to draw a picture of the other person's head. We should get a sense of what the other side will think through preparations and role transitions before the negotiations. If you're pressed for a deadline, adjust the time or refuse to negotiate at all.

- Express politely and friendly
- Present your vision and focus together on what the moon can do. 
- The more information is released in advance, the better.
- There is no need to reveal all the information in the negotiations.
- A person with a lot of information on negotiations should make a suggestion first so that both sides can set an appropriate level of expectation.
- If you don't believe it, it's helpful not to say it first.

- Extreme proposals will only ruin the negotiations. Think about it in the other person's.
If the level of proposal is too low, the other party often gives up if the level of proposal is too high.
- If the other party makes an extreme proposal, do not respond emotionally, use the standard and ask why you made the proposal.

- Prioritize based on the quickest, easiest thing to do. Processing speed is more important than difficulty level.

- Sharing roles is important in negotiations. When the negotiations are over, each should write down what to do and clarify the deadline with the person in charge. You have to think about PLAN B to save a lot of time and money later. 

- Draw a picture in the other person's head, check the picture in your head through questions, and take a quick step toward your goal.
- The picture in the other person's head is the starting point, the goal of the negotiation is the closing point, and the gradual step is the interim process to get there. @@@
If you're tired, you'll win a hundred games.
understand one's opponent with all one's heart

@To solve an extreme problem...
1. Keep a constant distance from the other person.
2. Get expert advice.
3. Investigate the issue you face in detail.
4. Help the other person control his or her emotions.
5. Make emotional payments.
6. Use the standard to see what makes sense.
7. Organize in advance what to discuss with the other party or third party.
8. Take a rest when your emotions get intense.


可以说,这是谈判的基本书,"如何获得想要的东西? 斯图尔特钻石之音》中参考的内容。 如果想看到更详细的内容,就会问'如何得到想要的东西? 斯图尔特钻石之音,B。请参照《O出版社》一书。 

1. 集中目标。

2.在对方脑海中画画。 @

认同对方地感情,展开感情。 哪怕是情感支付,也要引导大家理性判断。

4. 认识到所有情况各不相同;

如果对方还不太信任我,就更应该减速。 协商的每个阶段都要确认与对方的间隔。

交换对象超越了单纯的利害关系或必要范围。 在谈判中,将大大增加目标派,创造更多的机会。

@标准是指对方过去说过的话或承诺等自己低的标准。 对方不喜欢违背这个道理。 谈判前定议题,不懂标准就问。 
@Freaming是指向对方提示信息的ᄂ方法,即提出标准的具体方法。 以能打动对方心灵的特定表现说话是Freaming的核心!





1. 制定目标:制定短期长期目标。
3. 工作人员分类:请填写对方,决策者和第三方的目录。
4. 最坏的估计:考虑到谈判破裂时可能出现的情况。

10. 重新评估目标:是否需要根据情况判断调整目标?

12. 设定渐进方法:设置减少医险的中间环节。
13. 了解第三方的存在:是否有共同的敌人或影响的存在?
14. 确立机制:制定规划,创新性地提出问题。
15. 备选方案:寻找其他选择,以推动谈判进程。

16. 决定最佳做法和优先事项:掌握谈判的决定性因素和需要放弃和哀求的东西。
17. 协商方式深思:该怎么告诉谁?
18. 是不是程序:不要忽视议题,时限和时间管理。
19. 合同事项和奖励确认:请直接向对方确认。
20. 后续进程:谁,进行什么?

- 按方案限制讨论时间。

设定最后期限:每次面对事情,都要在对方脑海中勾勒出一幅画。 在谈判之前,要通过准备和角色转换,事先找到感觉对方会有什么想法。 如果赶在最后期限之前,要么调整时间,要么干脆拒绝谈判。

- 郑重而亲切地表达
- 提出愿景,把焦点放在能共月圆的事情上。 
- 只有拥有大量与谈判有关的信息的人先提出提案,双方才能设定适当的期望水平。
- 协商范围很广,如果无法信任,最好不要贸然先说。

-极端提案只会破坏谈判。 从对方的认识上考虑。

- 以最快,最容易做到的事情为基准确定优先顺序。 处理速度比难度更重要。

- 在协商中,分担作用非常重要。 协商结束后,双方应各自写上自己的一份工作,并明确负责人和时限。 想着PLAN B,以后才能节省很多时间和费用。 

- 试着在对方脑海中画画,通过提问确认脑海中的图画,然后一步步徐徐地朝着目标前进。
-对方脑海中的蓝图是出发点,协商的目标是终点,渐进阶段是走到那里的中间过程。 @@@

3. 对面临的问题进行详细调查。
5. 感情支付。
6. 运用标准,看看哪些合适。
7. 事先整理好与对方或第三者讨论的内容。



Since the strike in May 2010 in Guangdong province and other cities swept the country, strikes in China have now become nothing special but one of the "daily multiple reflexes." Now workers are well aware that when they have the chance, the best way to maximize their economic interests is to strike in groups.

1. The status quo of a strike

the main cause of the strike
Faced with a recent global economic slump, overheated competition and rising labor costs, companies are facing layoffs, business restructuring, and shifting their strongholds to and from home and abroad, while workers are often trying to squeeze companies into collective profits in the form of strikes. There is a significant increase in the sense of rights of China's highly educated and new generation of workers, symbolized by 80 to 90 degrees.
It is also a major cause of the strike's.

Below is a summary of the causes of the major strikes in China in recent years.
ᄋ The company has a new salary system or in-house regulations (wage work system, reward and punishment, absenteeism and tardiness management system, etc.)
revised, but workers feel they are at a disadvantage than before.
ᄋ In case the company's wage adjustment is delayed even though the minimum wage has been increased, or the level of bonuses has suddenly decreased;
ᄋ In case of a situation where a joint profit violation occurs, such as cancellation of allowance, overtime cost basis, and payment of social insurance and kitchen public funds;
ᄋ In case overtime is forced by a rapid increase in orders or overtime costs are reduced due to reduced orders,
ᄋ In case of a change in the business reorganization or labor management method (such as the replacement of the general account or merger of companies, relocation of factories, etc.) resulting in disadvantages for some workers, followed by widespread discontent among workers;
ᄋ In case the management position defamed the character of a subordinate and the surrounding employees protested
ᄋ High-handed management of Chinese employees of foreign residents, inappropriate remarks, insults, etc.

the legality of strike action
In Korea, the right to strike is recognized by the Constitution as one of the basic rights of labor. In China, however, there is much debate about workers' right to strike. In China, strike rights are not legal rights given to workers and the public, so strike action is not legally guaranteed (no civil, administrative or criminal immunity).
However, because it is not prohibited by law, a company cannot fire for just striking. Thus, the entity should provide grounds for the dismissal of the strikers by including the provisions of the disciplinary action of the company’s employment rules and the category "in the event of instigating a strike, strike or illegal suspension."
Meanwhile, in the case of relatively moderate collective action, such as suspension of operations, sabotage and strike, the labor bureau is in principle organized. However, in the event of violent acts such as destruction of corporate property, human rights, and street demonstrations, which develop into mass unrest, public security agencies intervene. Since the strike that began in May 2010 in Guangdong Province and swept the nation, authorities have tended to let or let go, viewing it as a "negotiation issue" between labor and management when striking over workers' wage welfare.

Strike and Legal Responsibility
In the case of general strikes, workers simply refuse to operate, destroy corporate machinery and other properties, and inflict personal injury on high-ranking managers.
However, if workers engage in violent collective action, criminal responsibility is severely questioned by the Criminal Law's "Crime of Property Damage" (Article 275), the crime of destroying production management (Article 276), the crime of looting crowd regulation (Article 268), and the crime of disorder of social order (Article 2990), and the case of a minor company's "Property Management Act" (Articleted Management Act, the Act, the Act on the Act on 23). For this reason, frequent labor strikes or strikes, such as denial of operation in China, do not escalate into violent strikes.

2. Precautions for Strike

There are more Korean companies that have problems understanding or communicating with local employees than Chinese
be exposed to strike risk Therefore, it is a sensitive issue that brings about changes in wages and welfare.
The introduction of the new system, the relocation of the company, the reorganization of the business, the restructuring and the reduction of the workforce should be carried out with sufficient consultation with experts in advance, the creation of scenarios for various situations, and the careful implementation of the process of exchanging opinions, including in-house briefings.

1 Avoid giving reasons for collective action
ᄋ In the event of a wage increase, such as a minimum wage hike, the wage is adjusted principally
ᄋ When wage welfare is cut due to difficulties in management, sufficient prior communication is required, such as providing alternatives
ᄋ Elimination of illegal elements such as overtime, social insurance, etc.
ᄋ Eliminate problems in advance by collecting complaints about work environment and treatment at all times
ᄋ Strengthening and complying with study of labor-related laws
2 Active use of public functions
ᄋ Utilize "pipe" roles with workers
ᄋ When establishing employment rules, laying off employees, and deciding important issues, use the public notice window
3 Securing routes for communication with employees
ᄋ Establish a dialogue table between executives and workers on a regular basis
ᄋ Establish an early detection system of workplace complaints by holding regular meetings by department
4 In the egalitarian wage system by rank, the establishment of the meritocratic personnel management system of the job pay system
ᄋ Korean-style seniority-based equal treatment system can promote a phenomenon in which employees unite together to achieve common interests
ᄋ Establish a wage system based on performance, and implement discriminatory treatment among employees
5 Strengthen information exchanges with industries, regions and neighboring companies
ᄋ Gathering and benchmarking information on the wage treatment of the dairy industry and nearby foreign-invested companies
ᄋ In the event of a minimum wage hike or a wage hike by a nearby company, the wage adjustment is implemented in a timely manner
6 Selection of Chinese officials to the management team
ᄋ Giving employees motivation and vision for long-term work
ᄋ Promotion of management officials acting as a bridge between labor and management
7 Gathering and sharing labor-related information with headquarters
ᄋ Gathering labor-related information and establishing a shared system with headquarters
ᄋ Preparing a contingency plan for the multiple launch of a dispute, including overtime expenses, social insurance, kitchen public funds, etc.
8 Sanctions for unauthorized strike shall be specified in the in-house regulations
ᄋ Statement of dismissal and compensation measures for strikers in labor contracts and employment rules
9 Preparing a Contingency Plan and establishing strong connections with local governments
ᄋ Prepare an action plan that specifies the role between the head office and the local management in case of an emergency
ᄋ Establishing measures for proper inventory, recruiting replacement workers, and protecting critical facilities against strikes
ᄋ Utilizing external advisers to retired local government employees
10 Position of Korean Managers
ᄋ Improving Chinese communication skills and strengthening touch and touch with Chinese employees
ᄋ Ban on disparaging remarks against Chinese or Chinese people
ᄋ Do not hurt the face or pride of an opponent in public

3. Countermeasures for Strike

1 Preparing for the usual strike and jointly responding with the head office
ᄋ To prevent delays in handling the situation during consultation with the head office, consult with the head office in advance and prepare a rapid response system by deciding on scenarios for emergency countermeasures
2 Common knowledge of the organization of the company's response team, their respective roles, and the basic principles of field response
ᄋ Requires professional personnel for on-site response to legal, public relations, IT, interpretation, etc.
ᄋ Appointment of Chinese lawyers familiar with labor laws and negotiation history as well as the Korean corporate climate
3 Strengthening the company's expenses and preserving evidence
ᄋ Restrict access to important offices and protect IT facilities and prevent loss of important data and property
ᄋ Preserve evidence of participants' misconduct and activities in preparation for post-strike lawsuits
4 Identifying strike participants
ᄋ Avoid expanding the situation by putting pressure on the main culprit
ᄋ Analyze strike participants, take our side or isolate them depending on the situation
5 Group action workers are isolated from the strike site and complaints are provided in other places.
ᄋ Stabilize workers through Chinese managers or public organizations and isolate them in a conference room, etc.
Listen with sincerity to demands and complaints and prevent further escalation of the situation
6 Company (proposal) decision based on fact finding and legal judgment
ᄋ Quickly decide on the company (proposal) in accordance with labor laws, labor contracts, employment rules, third-party cases, etc.
ᄋ Establish a plan after first deciding whether to return to work or prevent recurrence
ᄋ Check to see if the legal experts have reasonable labor demands or legal grounds
7 Explanation work to government-related agencies and local governments
ᄋ As soon as the company (proposal) is decided, it is necessary to give a prior explanation to the government-related agencies and the local general public and to seek their understanding

8 Negotiation at the Field
ᄋ Explanation of management's position on the demands and requirements for the selection of strike representatives and presentation of the company (proposal)
ᄋ Flexible responses to certain matters and other matters, such as the promise of renegotiation, induce return of operation
ᄋ In the event of prolonged negotiation and strike, send a message that the factory will be shut down as a last resort
ᄋ Do not take charge of the Korean negotiation, but entrust it to Chinese officials and Chinese lawyers
9 In-house response is difficult
ᄋ Request cooperation from the Development Zone Management Committee, the Labor Bureau or the Higher Council
ᄋ In the event of violence, contact the public security immediately
10 Countermeasures after handling strike
ᄋ After a certain period of time, strikers are strictly punished according to the company's employment rules

[Point of Negotiation]

(1) Promptly accept reasonable demands and attempt to implement the situation on the day of the strike;
After analyzing the cause of the incident, it is important that the company not drag its feet on the reasonable and acceptable demands of the workers, accept them immediately, and suggest solutions, but somehow manage to settle the situation without passing a day.
(2) Persuade unreasonable demands with sincerity.
There is no need to satisfy all the demands submitted by employees. As for unreasonable demands, difficult to accept, explain them to employees with sincerity, and suggest negotiating with them after returning to work.
(3) Negotiating with labor representatives
When negotiating with the staff, it is necessary to consider securing the physical safety of the Korean manager first.

(4) Opening a third party in a neutral position
In the negotiation table with the representative of staff, it is important for a third party in a neutral position to intervene. If a company has a public meeting, it must also be present to the director of the association. In the event that the staff does not trust the public, it is necessary to ask the superior public affairs officer and the labor bureau official to be present.


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