
In the midst of a whirlwind of economic changes this year, including economic progress and housing market regulation...

As a person who lives in the same generation with a lot of talk and a lot of issues, I decided to take a bitcoin-related concept one by one because I thought I'd have to go through it.





Although there are various blogs and Internet information regarding Bitcoin, I decided to explore the books that are relevant because I need to understand the basic concepts first.

First, when I looked around the bookstore, there were many different books, such as virtual currency, encryption money, block chain, etc.

Among them, I chose a book recently written by Bitcoin community operators called 'Learn New Bitcoin Easy.'

It is a simple chapter that is described by subject, and it is a great introduction to the basic concepts and processes of various types of virtual money.

In addition, there are many blogs about virtual money, so it won't be difficult to get information if you sell a little bit of your hand


So, let's start studying now.


What is Bitcoin, virtualization money?


Turns out, Bitcoin is the blacksmith of virtual currency.

Virtual currencies are also perceived by the word 'virtual'.

The exact name is Crypto curacy.

That is, a means to create new coins or to make transactions secure using a password.

There are a lot of different types of encryption. Based on the total amount of encryption money currently traded in Korea, Bitcoin, 2nd place and Iderium are ranked first. So when people think of virtual currency, they think of bitcoin.






Types of Virtual Money



There are thousands of different types of virtual money all over the world. This is because mining methods and uses vary by type, depending on the purpose of the transaction, and therefore there is a variety of virtual currencies.



Let's take a look at the types of virtual currencies that are listed in Korea.


The table above is scraped from the Bithumb site.

In short, there are different types of bitcoins that can be traded on every exchange of virtual money.

In other words, bitcoin and iderium are all treated by most virtual money exchanges, but Monero and Dash need to go to 'Bithumb' and NEO need to go to 'Coin Nest' to buy/sell.


Virtual currency exchange refers to an exchange where virtual currency can be traded, and we will discuss it in more detail later.


Let's take a quick look at the concept of typical virtual money.

(This is a scrap from the Bithumb site, and there is more and more professional information available on the official site for each virtual currency, so please refer to it if you need it.)




Bitcoin units: BTC
Bitcoin is the first encryption currency developed by Satoshi Nakamoto.
The maximum number of issues is 21 million and as of May 2017, 16.15 million were issued.
The average/final confirmation time is 10 minutes/60 minutes, which enables fast and safe transactions among individuals without financial institutions.


Etherium (ETHEREUM) units: ETH
Iderium is an encryption currency introduced by Vitalic Buterin, a Russian Canadian, on July 30, 2015.The maximum amount issued with mining-type coins based on blockchain technology is unlimited. As of April 2017, the amount issued is 90.95 million.


Dash (DASH)
The dash is an encrypted currency developed in January 2014 and is a platform.It was also called Xcoin and DarkCoin, but was finally named 'Dash' in March 2015. The maximum number of issues is 22.5 million and the confirmation time is 2.5 minutes on average.


Light Coin (LTC)
Lightcoin is a virtual currency developed by Charles Lee, a former Google employee, on October 7, 2011.The technical aspects of light coins are almost identical to bitcoins.However, it was developed with the goal of becoming a better virtual currency by compensating for the shortcomings of bitcoin.


There are also many other types of virtual currencies, including bitcoin cache (BCH), bitcoin gold, and ETC (Eitherium Classic) created by hardfork of Iderium.

The detailed concepts, technical descriptions, and characteristics of each virtual currency are listed in detail on the virtual currency exchange or on the official site of each virtual currency, so you can find them if you need them.
We learned about basic concepts such as concept and type of virtual money. Thank you very much








关于beat coin,虽然有很多博客和网络信息,但由于要熟悉基本概念,所以决定阅读相关书籍。










原来,beat coin是"虚拟货币"的代名词,代表项目。


正确的名称是"暗号货币(Crypto currency)"。


这种暗号货币种类很多。 以韩国现在交易的暗号货币价格之和总额为基准,第一位是比特币,第二位是伊德林。 所以人们一提到虚拟货币,即加密货币,就会想起比特币。









据说全世界有数千种虚拟货币。 这是不同种类的采掘方式,用途不同的特性,即根据交易的目的不同,方式也会有所不同,因此虚拟货币的种类只能多种多样。





上面的表格是从Buisom Sat中剪下来的。







(本内容为Buisom Sats 剪贴,登录各相关虚拟货币的官方网站后会发现更多,更专业的信息,需要者请参考)




Bitcoin单位: BTC


Etherium (ETHEREUM) 单位: ETH
Iduleum是俄罗斯裔加拿大人Bitalic Butterine于2015年7月30日引进的密码货币。基于积木链技术的采掘型硬币,最大发行量无限制,以2017年4月为准,发行量为9,095万个。


大市是2014年1月开发的加密货币和平台。也被称为Xcoin和DarkCoin,但2015年3月最终被命名为"大市"。 最大发行量为2250万个,按压时间平均需要2.5分钟左右。


浅硬币 (LTC)
"Light Coin"是2011年10月7日由前谷歌职员查尔斯•李(Charles Lee)开发的虚拟货币。浅色系的技术层面几乎与非特质相似。但是,我们的目标是弥补比特币的缺点,成为更好的虚拟货币。


除此之外,还有从Bitcoin中分离出来的(链分离:硬盘)BCH,Bitcoin Gold,Edolium的硬包装(Hard)等。

以上是关于虚拟货币的概念,种类等基本概念。 谢谢。





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