
before going in

This data is ultimately prepared to explore the organizational operational mechanism in which innovation is sustainable.
Smart company whose product business combines software, design, service, hardware, etc. from technology to hardware-centric
Evolving into business. The smart business today is fast evolving and innovative anywhere.
An environment in which powerful competitors armed with new technologies and new products can emerge and shake the market.

In such a complex and rapidly changing business environment, companies must continue to grow for survival and perpetuity.
We need to be able to ‘innovate products and businesses’ without the need to internalize those capabilities and constitution into the organization’s DNA.
what should be done.

Innovative organizations in cases like Google, IBM, GE, etc. are considered successful in business innovation
To discover the principles of operation and to help design the mechanism of our innovation organization operation.
(In particular, it applies to the Innovation BusinessCenter that is created to develop a smart-based business.)

First of all, in terms of exploring sustainable products, organizational structures that are relevant to business innovation
The development phase of the organization of the product business unit, especially in terms of the evolution and security of the matrix organization, was reviewed.
Highly innovative products, organized with a framework that sets the way organizations operate their businesses.

This data is based on 1) the evolution of matrix organizations, 2) the HR should be
This focused on the design of the operational mechanism of the innovation organization.
In the design of the operational mechanism of the innovation organization, the governance of innovation is established, and the group is focused on project managers.
Suggests how to design direct operating system, find new business ideas, and establish a commercialized linkage system.



The Evolution and Organizational Mechanism Design of Matrix Organization : HR's Role in the Establishment of Innovation Organization
 Evolution phase of product business organization
Describe the evolutionary stages of an organization based on the organization that performs new product development within a business unit.

The most common characteristic of matrix organizations is that traditional vertical hierarchies are organizational forms that are intersected by horizontal authority, horizontal communication.The second characteristic is that the traditional boss-centered hierarchy of power was suspended and responsibilities and authority were divided into dual lines.

Matrix organization is a collaborative structure that combines project-oriented and function-oriented structure.
Functional organizations have the advantage that individuals can develop new technologies in each area of expertise, but due to the features that focus on the expertise of specific functions, the functional structure exposes weaknesses in terms of cooperation and synergies among each specialty, and the product-oriented business unit organization can reduce these weaknesses by focusing the attention of members of the functional organization on product requirements, but at the same time it is difficult to accumulate expertise.
May lead to the obsolescence of the literary world

Matrix organization is an alternative to achieving both functional-oriented and product-centric benefits by providing appropriate cooperation while maintaining functional expertise.

These matrix organizations and the organizational evolution to complement matrix organizations are functional organizations  matrix organizations (weak matrix strong matrix) project-oriented organizations that go through evolutionary steps.

1. Phase 1: Starting with traditional or functional type hierarchical structure as a functional organization
2. Step 2: As a matrix organization,
1) As traditional functional hierarchy exists as the foundation of the organization, a ‘weak matrix organization’ is formed in which project organizations are temporarily created to address new complexity and cross functional organizations.
2) The project structure became permanent and developed into a "strong matrix organization" in which project functions had relatively stronger authority than functional organizations in forming such a permanent project structure and functional inter-organization matrix organizations.
3) As a mature step of matrices, there is a functional hierarchy and a balance of authority between project organizations at this stage.
3. Step 3: ‘Beyond the matrix’. At this stage, the whole organization is represented in the form of Project Oriented Organization.

weak matrix tissue
The matrix organization is responsible for maintaining and strengthening the expertise of functional organizations and for delivering products that are the strengths of project organizations.
A type of organization that combines the characteristics of organic cooperation and coordination among related functions.

Small organization size, various product types, and the need for technical accumulation and expertise
In this high case, it is appropriate to operate as a functional organization.
However, the variety of products and variety of technologies, contents, services, etc.
When products become more complex, such as home appliances, and at the same time emphasize the efficiency of new technology accumulation and resource utilization.
You will run a U-matrix organization.
To provide differentiated value for products, the same product concept is maintained consistently throughout the entire commercialization process.
In addition, we need to develop new products quickly and at the same time secure core technologies for new product development.
It is a well-organized system.

In these matrix organizations, the weak matrix structure is the result of the project manager being compared to the functional managers.
Having weak authority and decision-making authority. In practice, project managers are responsible for the project's fusill
Considered to be the presence of the rutters. They plan and supervise the implementation, but they are responsible for the development of human resources.
Having no set control and relying almost on functional organization managers to secure resources.
In addition, project managers typically have lower positions than functional organization managers.

Because authority (human rights, etc.) is concentrated in the manager of a functional organization, ideas from various functional departments as well as customer needs may not be fully reflected in new product development activities. In many cases, the product business is a technology-driven product development.

Members are not as loyal to project managers as they are to managers of functional organizations that determine their growth. Their performance is measured not by project work but by the work done for their functional organization managers.For members, participating in a project is likely to cause complaints that they cannot concentrate on the project and project managers are not motivated because it is seen by functional organization managers who evaluate themselves as neglecting their function.
The failure of project managers to have real control over members leads to criticism of functional managers and creates conflicts with each other.

Although the basic organizational structure of a company or a business unit works as a functional organization and as a project when necessary, the PM acts as a coordinator or communicator, mainly as a way to perform their assigned roles in each functional organization.

strong matrix structure
Privileges and responsibilities related to product development by project managers gradually under the matrix structure
It operates as a strong matrix organization with a consistent product concept for customer needs.
Can be maintained during product development.

Full autonomy in a strong matrix structure is given to project managers. about the members
It is common for project managers to exercise performance management responsibilities and authority.At the same time as the project
In , project managers ask managers of functional organizations to hire more people, and functional managers are required to do so.
Request project plans to support personnel and identify the duration of input personnel's project.

In weak matrix organizations, project managers exist in functional organizations, but they're not going to be able to create strong matrix organizations.
Line Always has project management capabilities and is part of the Project Management (PMO)
Office" exists.

B2B Company has shown that Project Manager has strong rights to perform order projects to customers.
With each functional organization (sometimes involving the functional organization personnel of various product business groups in the company)
Can be done. For B2B companies, the functional organization is responsible for the management, promotion, and technology development of the members of the organization.
Joint responsibility for the project development and the origin of the project for the project development organization being responsible for the success
Has responsibility to provide active manpower (KPIs, etc.).

balanced matrix organization
Conflict between the two organizations over control and authority creates a desire for one group to dominate the other
Doing and harming the entire organization.The dominant project manager always tells himself
To ensure the best team composition, the functional organization’s managers will be pressed to gain outstanding talent.
And so the mechanism of reducing this conflict is to figure out who's going to manage the members, and to change the environment.
Having a rule within the organization that can be changed accordingly.Set up many potential rules to have equal rights between project managers and functional organization managers.A balanced architecture can create a win-win situation for both sides by establishing policies that guide the allocation of authority between project managers and functional managers.
"The same member shall not be put into a series of projects for the same project manager"
That is one example. "All engineers spend 20 to 30 hours on the New Product Development Project."
Another example is the time-sharing of members for existing product improvements, new product development, and non-continuous innovation.
organization through rules on division, coordination of departmental conflicts, etc.
It can be the way to zero.
The underlying structure of an organization can be taken to a matrix organization and rules can be operated in a complementary manner.
Well, even a weak matrix works seamlessly when members themselves have the ability, experience, and maturity.

Project Oriented Organization
The matrix organization has no clear responsibilities and no reporting lines to determine the potential for conflict over power.
Many. Also, I have inherent shortcomings such as excessive meeting and delay of decision making. And the river
Under one matrix organization, the functional director will try to regain the power he has lost.

As an alternative, a project-driven, integrated organization emerges.


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