

Loss of Coin Due to 'Eubbit' Hacking, Bankruptcy Procedure




The virtual currency exchange, Ubit, has decided to go bankrupt after suffering a coin loss from hacking. This is the first time that the virtual currency exchange is going bankrupt due to hacking in Korea.

"We lost the coin purse today because of the hacking at 4:35 a.m. today," Yubbit said on its website.

The company says there were no additional losses because the amount of coin losses from the hacking was about 17 percent of its total assets, while the other coins were stored in cold jails (outdoor storage systems disconnected from the Internet). "The management wants to proceed with the suspension of transactions, suspension of deposits, and bankruptcy on the 19th."

As of 2:00 p.m. on the same day, Yubbit told us that all coins and cash receipts will be suspended, and that due to bankruptcy, cash and coins will be settled in accordance with all bankruptcy procedures. To minimize damage, Yubbit said, "As of 4 a.m., 75 percent of the balance will be deducted in advance." The remaining outstanding parts will be paid after final settlement is completed.

"Our members are expected to lose more than 17 percent through a number of measures, including the sale of 3 billion won of cyber insurance and the company's operating rights," said Yubbit. Although the amount of damage will vary depending on the result of liquidation, the investors are expected to be opposed as they said that they should share the bankruptcy damage caused by the stock exchange hacking accident.

Previously, Yapian, the predecessor of Ubbit, was arrested in April for stealing 3,831 bitcoin (about 5.5 billion won at the time) and informed investors to share a total of 37 percent of the losses.


This year alone, there was a case of Nice Hash hacking on the Coinz Exchange.




In addition to the activation of coin trading, hacking damage has continued to threaten incomplete security systems.

In addition to Yapian, Coinaz was hacked last September, and the virtual money mining company, Nice Hash, posted on its Facebook account on July 7 (Korea time), saying that the electronic wallet of Nice Hashbitcoin was stolen (hacked) because of a security breach involving the company's website.

Nice Hash is a company that supports connection between Bitcoin miners and those who can devote computing capacity, and regularly pays Bitcoin to computing capacity providers.


Member Information Disclosure, Server Down Cases


In June, 36,000 members were leaked from Bithumb, the nation's largest bourse.

It's not a hack, but investors who suffered losses are preparing to sue Bithumb as his server went down on April 12 when the price of virtual money keeps soaring.

The soaring Bitcoin cash in November once fell to 1.3 million won worth of 2.85 million won when Bithumb's server went down.





What to Pay attention to when dealing with virtual currency



1. Security issues

While the exchange must be secure, it is recommended that private investors change their password management from time to time.

If you use multiple exchanges, using different passwords can confuse security issues. If one is hacked, the other can be hacked.


2. Strengthen OTP Security

If possible, it is advisable to do OTP security one more time.


3. Prevent Virus Penetration in Transactions

You should update your computer or mobile phone, a means of dealing with virtual money, to ensure that it is safe for malicious code and viruses.


We can't overemphasize the security issue of virtual money.

The virtual money market is a market with no lid or floor, and it goes up and down by a certain percentage per day. Behind the convenience of always doing business 24 hours a day, there is always a security issue, and I think it's necessary to pay attention to individual investors.








虚拟货币交易所"U-BIT"因黑客攻击而遭受硬币损失,决定启动破产程序。 "这是国内首次因黑客入侵而使虚拟货币交易所进入破产程序。"


公司表示,黑客入侵造成的硬币损失额约占总资产的17%,此外硬币还保管在电脑钱包(与网络隔绝的外部存储装置),因此没有追加损失。 同时,他还表示:"经营团队将于19日启动中断交易,停止存取款措施及破产程序。"

当天下午2点,U-BIT向我们介绍,所有Coin和现金的进出被停止,由于破产,现金和Coin的清算将按所有破产程序进行。 尤比特解释说,"但为了减少损失,以当天上午4时为准,将采取措施,使余额的75%可以提前出纳。" 剩下的未支付部分,将在最终整理完毕后支付。

尤比特补充说:"通过公司加入的网络综合保险(30亿韩元)和出售公司经营权等各种方案,预计会员的损失额将比17%更低。" "虽然根据清算结果损失规模不同,但这是虚拟货币投资者们要分担交易所黑客事件导致的破产损失,因此预计将会引起投资者们的抗议。"

此前,U-BIT的前身——Yapian在今年4月因黑客攻击被抢走3831个(当时标准约55亿韩元)beat coin后,曾公开要求投资者分担高达37%的损失额,引发了争议。


仅今年就发生了Koin Is交易所,Nice Hash黑客事件。





除了(株)yapian之外,9月koin is交易所也遭到黑客攻击,虚拟货币开采公司"nice ash"7日(韩国时间)在facebook上发布了相关文章,称"公司网站"。

Nice Hash是支持Betcoin采矿者与可进行计算容量的人之间的连接的企业,定期向计算容量提供者提供Betcoin。














1. 安全问题


使用多数交易所时使用其他密码可能会引发安全问题。 因为如果一个地方被黑客攻击,另一个地方也有可能被黑客攻击。


2. 加强OTP保安



3. 防止交易手段的病毒渗透




虚拟货币市场是一个没有盖子和底子的市场,每天上下浮动着百分之几。 考虑到在24小时可以经常进行交易的便利性背后,保安的问题也总是存在的,因此需要提醒投资者个人注意。


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