
(1) Labor contractingism

Until the Labor Contract Act came into force in 2008, small and medium-sized companies did not properly comply with the labor contract’s arrest and social insurance premium burden. Because of this phenomenon, there have been many cases of unfair labor in rural areas and foreign spending where even the fact of the existence of labor relations is not recognized in court even if injured in a fantasy accident. The labor contract law, which went into effect in 2008, designed companies to pay punitive compensation to workers when they hire them without signing labor contracts
The labor contract law sharply increased the law's violation of the law to the point that it is virtually impossible to hire without signing a written contract. The grace period for the signing of a labor contract is one month from the date of hiring workers or continuing to hire them after the termination of the contract. From the point of exceeding one month, the entity will face a lifetime employment risk after one year, as well as a double pay reimbursement.

The labor contract is signed from an equal relationship to a negotiating match, and once signed, it turns into a subjugation relationship of "command-submission." However, if some of the provisions of the arrangement are required to be changed during the contract period, they face the difficult problem of having to change the agreement back to an equal relationship. The Labor Contracts Act clearly stipulates the conclusion of written Change Consultations, which imposes many restrictions on companies that frequently need the rational placement and adjustment of personnel according to changes in management conditions and the ability of individual employees.

(2) You can specify the grounds for dismissal in the employment rules.

South Korea's Labor Standards Act does not set specific conditions for possible layoffs, but comprehensively stipulates them as "objective and reasonable reasons and cases that are recognized as substantial in social concepts." On the other hand, China's labor contract law stipulates that the specific "why the court can be removed" from the contract as a legal clause. In order to terminate a labor contract, it must comply with one of these legal reasons, and the non-compliance is considered "criminalization."
For this reason, unlike Korea, employment rules play a very important role in China. The labor law gave companies the right to conduct employee management on the basis of establishing employment rules. The company may exercise the right to dismiss workers if they violate the labor discipline stipulated in the employment rules strictly.
However, there are many real limitations to the exercise of the right to fire. For example, even if there is a reason for the removal of a court saying, "A major loss to the company by committing a fraud has occurred, there is a risk of being deemed "law-inflicted" if the company is to have "evidence" to prove the cheating and dismisses the employee without being notified in advance of the critical loss criteria. Therefore, it is very important in China to list in detail what acts constitute reasons for court release in the company’s employment rules and to obtain a notification confirmation from the workers.

(3) Combined operation of contract system and lifetime employment system

The Labor Contract Act limited fixed-term labor contracts to two times only in order to ensure social stability through the promotion of long-term employment relations and stabilization. In other words, they will take the mainstream of employment to long-term labor contracts and an indefinite employment system.
In China, there are generally two forms of fixed-term labor contracts and indefinite-term labor contracts, employing regular workers. Typically, the first time an entity enters into a two to three-year fixed-term labor contract and the user is free to terminate the employment at the end of the first labor contract. However, if a second labor contract is to be renewed, it shall be considered that the verification of the worker has been completed and the company shall comply with the request of the worker to sign a non-fixed contract unless there is a material defect to the worker at the expiration of the contract (the reason for the dismissal of the penalty, the job defect, and the disease).
The conclusion of an indefinite labor contract means that the contract will be converted to an "undated contract" and, in the event of a non-fixed contract, the employment is guaranteed up to the retirement age unless there is a reason for the removal of the law.

(4) Linking the reasons for retirement with economic compensation and economic compensation

China's economic compensation is different from Korea's retirement benefit system. In China, it is mandatory to pay economic compensation on the compensation level, considering that termination of employment due to the circumstances of the management upon termination of the contract due to the causes of management and termination of employment at the time of maturity resulted in unemployment by other parties, and there is no need to pay for voluntary retirement. If a company disposes a worker without permission and is judged to be "dismissed" in a labor action, it shall pay the worker an economic reward equal to twice the economic compensation.
On the other hand, in Korea, severance pay can be considered an accounting liability and thus cost can be processed annually as a "retirement benefit allowance" because there is a payment obligation for all workers, but in China, payment is uncertain for each individual and therefore only as a tax expense when the payment is actually made.

(5) Differentiating labor relations from employment relations

Labor and employment relationships are no different in that one party provides labor and the other pays labor remuneration. In China, however, "labor relations" are established only in the employment of workers prior to the retirement age, and only in the form of civil contract with retired people, students and others. The Labor Contract Act obligates workers to sign labor contracts with workers whose labor relations are established. If a labor contract has not been entered into despite the establishment of a labor relationship, it is considered a "factual labor relationship" and the labor law applies regardless of whether the contract is concluded or not.

[the qualifications of the principal in labor relations]

1. User
Labor relations with workers are formed only by a corporation, an organization, that is officially established in China. Individuals do not have a working relationship with employees, even if they are employers. Since "personal employment relations" (private contracts) are established with police departments and drivers hired by foreign residents for private purposes, there is no need to sign labor contracts and there is no restriction of labor laws. .


2. Worker
The qualifications of workers recognized by Chinese law are different from those of Korea. Those aged 16 and over are only entitled to work as long as they are before retirement (excluding repeat students). Labor relations are formed only when those over the age of 16 and graduates of schools do not reach the legal retirement age. Once a worker reaches the legal retirement age, he or she loses his or her legal status as a worker on that date and is not allowed to pay social insurance. If employed by a company after the legal retirement age is exceeded, a labor contract relationship (employment relationship) between the company and the equal entity to which civil law applies is formed. Labor contracts are short for "labor-services contracts" and mean contracts of the nature of exchanging costs with labor services on the basis of persons (students, retirees, etc.) and civil and contract laws, which are outside the scope of workers.


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