

1. Clarify your blog topic.


It's called blog name, blog category theme, consistent posting that fits

All three times must be in sync.

Deciding your blog name or category topics vaguely makes it difficult to get advertising approval from Google AdSense.

We recommend that you create at least three categories and post at least 10 for each category at the beginning of your blog operation.





2. Observe the principle of posting one day.


'The biggest factor in the rejection of Ad-Sense advertising approval is insufficient content.'

One posting per day not only gives Google AdSense the perception that it posts information faithfully, but also helps it develop its own blogging habits.





3. The number of characters in the posting is enough!




The amount of text, or text, is more important than the amount of pictures that go into the posting. Minimize the number of photos to one per post and aim for at least 3,000 characters.

It's a good idea to organize and clarify paragraph distinctions in a specific and useful way to match your pre-determined blog name and category topics.





4. Do not place links (URLs) in the posting.


When you post, you sometimes have to reveal the source of your writing or put the address of another website. Posting for ad-sense advertising approval should not contain a link (URL) and should only be filled with pure informative text.





5. Registering the webmaster tool for the search portal is mandatory


Only by registering your T-story blog address with webmaster tools such as Naver, Daum, Google, etc., which are representative dry portals, can visitors create an environment where they can enter your blog through search.




6. Posting in standard language!


It is recommended to use standard language and use written language such as '~n' rather than spoken.




















3. 进入POSTING内的字数充分!




与照片量相比,文字量更重要。 照片个数要减少到每组1个左右,以3000字以上的文章为目标。






4. 禁止在forsting内放入链接(URL)。


在进行编辑的过程中,需要查明文章的出处或添加其他网站的地址。 为获得AdSense广告许可的海报不得添加链接(URL),仅需添加纯粹的信息性文字。





5. 搜索门户网站的网页工具登记是必须的






6. 陈述内容用普通话!









Through book search, I started looking for books related to Google Adsense...

There were already several books in the bookstore, but among them, they are readable.

It's not complicated, it's simple, edited, and it's called Google Adsense.

I decided to take the book and teach myself.


I would like to inform you that my blog contents are based on the above books, various blogs and materials on the Internet, and that I have studied them one by one.

If you're lacking anything, buy Google AdSense and make money and read it carefully.



The Power of Google Ad-Sense...


The author of this book talks about the power of Google Adsense and its advantages.


1. Let's post one post a day for about three months. When posting accumulates, it's money.

(I suppose so. It's important to do everything consistently.)


2. Google Adsense is a capital-free business. It's a business you can do

(That's true. The existence of wealth, age and age can be irrelevant.)


3. Persistence and effort can be a habit.

(I think it's a good way to build attitudes and habits in life.)


4. Profit Pipeline in the Late Information Age, from 300,000 won to 1 million won a month.

(Goggle Adsense started in 2003, and many people have been making profits.

You must have paid for it.)


5. The habit of managing information and memories can be a better future.

(This is what I can relate to the most. While searching for various information to write a blog, one can unwittingly learn related information and feel that knowledge is building up gradually.

That's why it's more motivating for people who are curious and have intellectual passion.

It's the same.)


What profit structure does Google Adsense make money?


The ad-sense system is designed to make a profit when you click on ads in such information as blogs and YouTube.


As you can see in the future, if you've chosen how to get your ad revenue from blogs, you'll get an ad code from Google AdSense system, you'll get an ad code from your blog, and you'll get a profit by clicking on the ad that web surfers are involved with the blogging.


In other words, advertisers bid for ads on Google search portals through a system called Google AdWords, and bloggers import advertising codes through Google AdSense systems.

Bloggers then post their own blog posts, posting Google AdSense ads, and clicking on ads among blog visitors to get their advertising revenue.

Google AdSense uses the Internet search pattern of blog visitors and the context of posting written by bloggers to expose ads in an optimized manner.


Advertisers bid for the final bid, which is the price per click on the ad, the unit of advertising revenue for bloggers.

Keywords such as insurance and loans are decided on high unit price of advertising because of fierce bidding competition between insurance companies and banks.

So, keywords are important to raise the profit structure.


Let's start with a T-story blog.

There are many ways to get approval for Google AdSense application, such as blogging and YouTube, but I decided to start with a T-story blog because I wanted to develop a variety of content and writing habits.


There is Naver blog, but because T-story blog is a typical installed blog, it is a profitable blog that can freely change the type of blog and earn advertising revenue, it uses T-story blog to make profits through Google AdSense.


Here's how to create a T-story blog:


1. Enter the T-story site and sign up.


2. When you receive an invitation to a T-story blog, you can create a T-story blog.

Each person can open up to five blogs.


When you first open a T-story blog, you should include your blog information, handwriting name and blog name.

Click Manage on the blog screen menu to enter the blog preferences screen.

Before you can put profitable ads in your T-story blog, you must set up skin and basic information In addition, in order to maximize ad-sense ad return, you will need to 'Sidebar Settings', 'Plug-in Settings' and more.


Skin selection is also important. Beginners recommend reactive skins.

Mobile Web Skin OFF!

Skin is said to be good for visitors because it acts like an interior design.

Especially, because once you change your skin, your internal algorithm changes later and your search portal does not recognize my blog posting, if you omit my blog posting from the search results, you will see a sharp drop in the number of visitors and, of course, decrease the revenue from ad-sense ads, so you should also be careful with skin choices.


There are open skin that is optimized for T-story Blog, but I chose reactive skin because it is more compatible with the screen than normal skin, so that the blog screen can be seen better on various devices such as smartphones and tabs. .


The mobile web skin is a function to apply a separate blog skin on a smartphone screen, and it is recommended to set it to OFF because turning ON will reduce the responsiveness of devices such as laptops, pads, and tabs, and cause a difference in the location or size of ad-sense ads posted on the blog.


Here are some basic information settings.

The blog name and blog description that make up the basic information settings are also important.

Because the search portal system distinguishes the nature of a blog based on its blog description, it is important to write a blog description that matches the topic of the posting you are writing.

They say it's good.


However, since the blog description can be changed to fit the topic at the beginning of the blog opening, it is important not to leave it unattended and keep the blog description updated according to the content of the blog.


It is important to use keyword tools to analyze keywords and make it a habit to choose the most effective keywords.


the importance of habit



So far, we've covered the first blog post of "Let's Study Google AdSense Together" with a rough description of Google AdSense and a basic soil for earning Google AdSense revenue using the T-story blog.


The following article will learn more about how to get advertising approval from Google AdSense, how to use a blog, how to use YouTube, and how to get advertising codes and reflect them on your blog.


Studying is important and half-starting, so I think I already understand more than 50 percent of Google Adsense.

It is still unfamiliar to me to write like a summary of a book after a long time, but I think I have a strong mindset to continue studying.

Let's study one by one.









如果有不足的内容的话,用Google EdSense买一本名为《赚钱》的书,读一遍就会容易理解。







坚持每天1个,3个月左右。 累积了弹性就是钱。

(应该会吧。 无论什么事,坚持不懈是很重要的。)


2.Google AdSense是不需要资本金的项目。 是一辈子都能做到的事业。

(这话是对的。 财富的存在与否,男女老少,年龄等都可以无关。)










(最有共鸣的内容。 为了写博客,寻找各种信息,不知不觉中就能学到相关信息,并逐渐感到知识的积累。




Google AdSense会让你以什么样的收益结构赚钱?



























为了在T-Story博客中加入收益型广告,首先要设定Skin和基本信息。 除此之外,要想最大化AdSense广告收益率,必须依次进行"设置侧杠","设置插图"等。


选择爽肤水也很重要。 初学者推荐反应型爽肤水。

手机Web Skin是OFF!




T-Story Blog上有最优化的公开爽肤水,反应型爽肤水比普通型更具有画面兼容性,在智能手机或Tab等多种机器上都能看清博客画面,所以我选择了反应型爽肤水。 .


Mobile Chap Skin是智能手机画面中单独应用博客Skin的功能,如果使用ON的话,在笔记本电脑,Pad,Tab等机器上的反应性会下降,在Blog上设置的Ad。

























01. 저품질 블로그에 관한 7가지 조언


검색포털에서 검색 노출이 안되닌 저품질 블로그가 되는 이유는 키워드가 부적절해서 일 수도 있고 포스팅 정보의 질이 안 좋아서 일수 도 있습니다.


블로그 포스팅에 좋지 못한 내용이 있는 경우 검색 포털에서는 해당 포스팅을 검색 노출에서 제외시켜 버립니다.


01. Seven Tips on Low Quality Blogs


The reason why search portals are not exposed to search is because keywords are inappropriate, or because of the poor quality of posting information.


If there is something bad about blog postings, the search portal will exclude them from its search exposure.


(1) 실시간 검색어 또는 핫이슈로 포스팅 하는 경우

네이버에서는 실시간 검색어 상위 순위에 있는 키워드를 이용해 포스팅 하는 경우 의도적인 어뷰징 행위로 보고 해당 블로그를 저품질로 만들어 버립니다.


(1) Posting in real-time search keyword or hot issue

If you post using keywords that are at the top of the real-time search keywords, Naver will see it as intentional viewing and make the blog low-quality.


(2) 광고성 글로 포스팅 하는 경우

포스팅 내에서 대출 보험 다이어트 주식과 관련된 광고성 내용을 직접 적으로 언급하는 경우 검색포털에서는 해당 포스팅을 모두 검색 결과에서 제외시킵니다.


(2) In case of posting in an advertising statement

If you directly refer to advertising content related to loan insurance diet stocks within a posting, the search portal excludes all of those postings from the search results.



(3) 다른 사람의 글이나 뉴스를 그대로 포스팅 하는 경우


(3) Posting another person's writings or news as they are.


(4) 남의 글이나 뉴스를 그대로 올리면 안됩니다. 다른 사람이 이미 인터넷상에 올린 글이나 뉴스 등을 그대로 포스팅하면 저품질에 빠지게 됩니다. 따라서 포스팅은 자신의 경험과 노하우, 말투, 지식이 묻어나게 작성하는게 바람직합니다.


(4) Do not post other people's writings or news. If you post what others have already posted on the Internet or news, you will fall into low quality. Therefore, it is advisable to write your own experiences, know-how, speech, and knowledge.



(5) 이미 포스팅한 내용을 수정하는 경우

기존에 올렸던 포스팅에 광고를 넣거나 일부 문구를 바꾸기 위해 수정하는 경우가 있는데 이런 경우 검색포털에서 어뷰징행위로 판단합니다. 특히 상위에 노출되어 있는 포스팅을 수정하면 뒤로 훅 밀리게 된다는 점에 유의해야 합니다.


(5) If you modify what you have already posted,

In some cases, you may want to put an ad in an existing post or modify it to change some phrases, which you will judge from the search portal as an appearance. In particular, it should be noted that modifying a post that is exposed to a parent will cause it to be pushed back.


(6) 너무 짧은 간격으로 포스팅 하는 경우

너무 짧은간격으로 포스팅하면 안됩니다. 포스팅을 하고 몇 분이 지나지 않아서 새로운 포스팅을 올리거나 여러 개의 포스팅을 동시 다발적으로 게재하면 검색 포털에서는 사람이 아닌 컴퓨터가 작성하는 것으로 보고 그런 포스팅들을 모두 검색 결과에서 제외 십니다.


특정 블로그의 포스팅이 5분 간격으로 계속 올라오는 경우 이러한 블로그를 비정상적인 조작행위로 판단해서 블로그의 상위 노출 확률을 낮춰버립니다.

포스팅은 최소한 2시간 간격으로 하는 것이 좋습니다. 만약 하루 날을 잡아서 몇 개의 포스팅을 한꺼번에 작성해야 한다면 발행 예약 기능을 걸어 두면 됩니다. 이 기능을 활용하면 일정한 시간 간격으로 포스팅이 발행 되도록 할 수 있습니다.


(6) Posting at too short intervals

Do not post too short a interval. If you post new postings or post multiple postings simultaneously minutes after you post them, the search portal sees them as being written by a non-person computer and excludes them all from the search results.

If certain blogs continue to be posted every five minutes, they will be judged as abnormal manipulations to reduce the probability of their upper exposure.

It is recommended that you post at least two hours apart. If you need to schedule a day to complete a few postings at once, you can hang up the bookings feature. You can use this feature to ensure that your posts are published at regular intervals.




(예약기능 활용하기)

티스토리 블로그 글쓰기 창 오른 쪽에 있는 기본설정창에서 공개를 선택하고 예약을 클릭하면 예약 날짜와 시간을 설정할 수 있습니다.


@ Utilizing the reservation function

You can set a date and time for your reservation by selecting Open in the Preferences window on the right side of the T-story Blog Writing window and clicking Schedule.


(7) 포스팅 내에서 동일 키워드를 남발하는 경우

검색포털은 검색 순위를 높이기 위한 의도적인 방해(조작)행위, 즉 어뷰징을 가장 싫어 합니다. 아무리 좋은 글이라고 해도 동일한 키워드가 그렇게 많이 들어 있으면 검색 포털에서 해당 포스팅을 어뷰징으로 의심할 수 있습니다. 따라서 포스팅 내에 동일한 키어드를 넣을 때는 먼저 기존에 작성되어 있는 다른 포스팅들을 참고해서 최상위에 있는 포스팅보다 1개 정도만 더 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.


(7) Excessive use of the same keyword within the posting.

Search portals hate intentional interference (fabrication) actions to improve their search ranking most. No matter how good your writing is, if there are so many of the same keywords, the search portal might suspect that posting as an accounting. Therefore, when placing the same keyword in a post, it is recommended that you use only one more post than the one at the top, first referring to other previously written posts.




(8) 명예훼손, 권리 침해, 음란물, 저작권 등을 위반하는 경우

특정인을 비방하거나 초상권 침해, 음란물 게재, 블로그 계정이 정지됩니다. 국내 저작물에 해당하는 동영상이나 이미지 등을 사용할 떄는 반드시 저작권법 위반에 해당하지 않는지를 미리 따져 보아야 합니다.


(8) In case of defamation, infringement of rights, pornography, copyright, etc.

Vigilant, infringement of portrait rights, pornography, and blogging accounts will be suspended. When using videos or images that correspond to domestic works, we must examine in advance whether they are in violation of copyright laws.





01. Seven Tips on Low Quality Blogs


The reason why search portals are not exposed to search is because keywords are inappropriate, or because of the poor quality of posting information.


If there is something bad about blog postings, the search portal will exclude them from its search exposure.



(1) Posting in real-time search keyword or hot issue

If you post using keywords that are at the top of the real-time search keywords, Naver will see it as intentional viewing and make the blog low-quality.


(2) In case of posting in an advertising statement

If you directly refer to advertising content related to loan insurance diet stocks within a posting, the search portal excludes all of those postings from the search results.



(3) Posting another person's writings or news as they are.


(4) Do not post other people's writings or news. If you post what others have already posted on the Internet or news, you will fall into low quality. Therefore, it is advisable to write your own experiences, know-how, speech, and knowledge.


(5) If you modify what you have already posted,

In some cases, you may want to put an ad in an existing post or modify it to change some phrases, which you will judge from the search portal as an appearance. In particular, it should be noted that modifying a post that is exposed to a parent will cause it to be pushed back.


(6) Posting at too short intervals

Do not post too short a interval. If you post new postings or post multiple postings simultaneously minutes after you post them, the search portal sees them as being written by a non-person computer and excludes them all from the search results.

If certain blogs continue to be posted every five minutes, they will be judged as abnormal manipulations to reduce the probability of their upper exposure.

It is recommended that you post at least two hours apart. If you need to schedule a day to complete a few postings at once, you can hang up the bookings feature. You can use this feature to ensure that your posts are published at regular intervals.


@ Utilizing the reservation function

You can set a date and time for your reservation by selecting Open in the Preferences window on the right side of the T-story Blog Writing window and clicking Schedule.


(7) Excessive use of the same keyword within the posting.

Search portals hate intentional interference (fabrication) actions to improve their search ranking most. No matter how good your writing is, if there are so many of the same keywords, the search portal might suspect that posting as an accounting. Therefore, when placing the same keyword in a post, it is recommended that you use only one more post than the one at the top, first referring to other previously written posts.


(8) In case of defamation, infringement of rights, pornography, copyright, etc.

Vigilant, infringement of portrait rights, pornography, and blogging accounts will be suspended. When using videos or images that correspond to domestic works, we must examine in advance whether they are in violation of copyright laws.







(一) 以实时搜索词或热点进行定位的情况;


(二) 以广告性文字进行宣传的情况


(三) 照搬他人文章或新闻的情况

(4)不得照搬他人文章或新闻。 如果将别人已经在网上发表的文章或新闻等原原本本地传播开来,就会陷入低质量。 因此,posting最好是将自己的经验,技巧,语气,知识都写出来。


在之前上传的海报中添加广告或为了改变部分句子而修改的情况,这种情况在搜索门户网站上判断为abusing行为。 尤其要注意的是,如果修改暴露在上端的姿势,就会被往后推。


不能以太短的间隔固定。 几分钟后,转会费用在不新,或者几个球员市场的同时,球员市场上,搜索网站,而是电脑制作的那种,搜索结果球员市场之外。实际


最好以2小时为间隔。 如果需要一天时间一次性填写几个海报,可以挂上发行预约功能。 利用该功能可每隔一定时间发行一次。


9. 利用预约功能




搜索门户网站最讨厌为提高搜索排名的故意妨碍(操作)行为,即abusing。 即使是再好的文章,如果含有那么多相同的关键词,搜索门户网站可能会怀疑该海报是"abusing"。 因此,在forsting内放入同一关键字时,最好先参考现有的其他forsting,比最顶尖的forsting只使用1个左右。



诽谤特定人或侵犯肖像权,上传淫秽物,博客账号被停止。 使用相当于国内著作的视频或图片时,必须事先确认是否违反著作权法。






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